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North Branford Public Schools BOE Subcommittee Meeting December 2015 T. Wootton 1.

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Presentation on theme: "North Branford Public Schools BOE Subcommittee Meeting December 2015 T. Wootton 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Branford Public Schools BOE Subcommittee Meeting December 2015 T. Wootton 1

2 2 i-Ready is a computer generated, adaptive, individualized, diagnostic assessment which determines competency on Connecticut Core math and reading skills. The adaptive diagnostic test is used to determine areas of student strength and need in key strands or domains. Results drive instruction as teachers work towards satisfying each student’s individual needs. i-Ready

3 3 Phonological Awareness Phonics High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Comprehension (both literature and informational text) Reading Domains

4 4 Comprehension Informational Text −Author's Purpose −Categorize and Classify −Cause and Effect −Drawing Conclusions/Making Inferences −Fact and Opinion −Main Idea and Details −Message −Summarize −Text Structure −Vocabulary in Context Literature −Author's Purpose −Cause and Effect −Drawing Conclusions/Making Inferences −Figurative Language −Story Structure −Summarize −Theme/Mood −Understanding Character −Vocabulary in Context Foundational Skills Phonological Awareness −Rhyme Recognition −Phoneme Identity and Isolation −Phoneme Blending and Segmentation −Phoneme Addition and Substitution −Phoneme Deletion Phonics −Letter Recognition −Beginning Consonant Sounds −Short and Long Vowels −Decoding One- and Two-Syllable Words −Inflectional Endings; Prefixes and Suffixes −Digraphs and Diphthongs −Vowel Patterns −Decoding Longer Words High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Academic and Domain Specific Vocabulary Word Relationships Word-Learning Strategies

5 5

6 Foundational Skills: Phonological Awareness (Phonological Awareness) Level K CCSS: Recognize and produce rhyming words. Find the word that rhymes with Key 6

7 Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word Recognition (Phonics) Level 3 CCSS: Decode multi-syllable words. Find the word furniture. 7

8 8

9 Reading Standards for Literature (Reading Comprehension: Literature) Level 5 CCSS: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 9

10 10

11 11 Number and Operations Algebra and Algebraic Thinking Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematics Domains

12 12 Mathematics Domains Number and Operations Counting and Cardinality Base Ten: Whole Numbers and Decimals Place value: Compare, add, subtract, multiply, divide Fractions: Model, compare, add, subtract, multiply, divide Algebra and Algebraic Thinking Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Fluency, number relationships, properties, solving word problems Expressions and Equations: Variables, exponents, solving word problems Ratio and Proportional Relationships: Percent, rate, lines, and slope Functions: Linear and non-linear Geometry Two-Dimensional Shapes Three-Dimensional Shapes Lines, Segments, Points, Rays, and Angles Symmetry and Transformations Congruence and Similarity Coordinate Geometry Pythagorean Theorem Measurement and Data Measurement Units and Tools: Customary and metric Time, money, length, capacity, weight and mass Geometric Measurement Area, perimeter, surface area, volume Creating and Interpreting Graphs Data Analysis and Statistical Measures Probability Concepts

13 13

14 Measurement and Data Level 1 CCSS: 1.MD.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. What time did Mia go to school? 14

15 Algebra and Algebraic Thinking Level 3 CCSS: 3OA.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Which multiplication sentence can you use to find the total number of counters? 15

16 Measurement and Data Level 8 CCSS: 8.SP.3 Use the equation of a linear model to solve problems in the context of bivariate measurement data, interpreting the slope and intercept. 16

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19 Class Profile 19

20 Student Profiles (Reading) Grade-level equivalent scores by strand show you Cameron’s ability level. Domain results are analyzed. 20

21 Student Profiles (Reading) 21

22 Student Profiles (Reading) 22

23 Student Profiles (Reading) See each student’s zone of proximal development...... and where they need remediation or instruction 23

24 Student Profiles (Reading) 24... and where they need remediation or instruction See each student’s zone of proximal development...

25 Student Profiles (Math) Find out why Cameron is struggling in each domain Grade-level equivalent scores by strand show you where Cameron stands 25

26 Student Profiles (Math) 26

27 Student Profiles (Math ) 27

28 Student Profiles (Math) See each student’s zone of proximal development 28

29 Instructional Groupings 29

30 Instructional Groupings 30

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34 34 District Level Reports

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