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Engineering Math II TaeKyoung Kwon

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1 Engineering Math II TaeKyoung Kwon

2 Overview objectives –Teach basic math to model and analyze computer systems –Deal with probability, statistics, random process, queuing system, optimization Course materials –Textbook –Writing in blackboard –Slides for exercise and homework

3 textbook Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical Engineering, Alberto Leon-Garcia, Pearson 3 rd Ed. or 4 th Ed.

4 outline (1/2) Probability, random variable (RV) Conditional probability, expectation, variance Discrete/continuous RVs generating functions, joint distribution joint conditional probability, functions of RVs Law of large numbers, central limiting theorem

5 outline (2/2) Estimation, hypothesis test Regression analysis random process, Poisson process queuing system, Birth-and-death process Markov Chain, M/M/1 Optimization, linear programming Simplex method

6 administrivia Classroom: 301-203 Time: Tue. and Thu., 9:30am – 10:45am TA: Conque Kim –Tel: 880-1832 – Slides and announcements –Check

7 evaluation 30%: mid-term exam 30%: final exam 20%: quiz 20%: attendance –Two latenesses will be counted as one absence –Students absent more than 4 times will get F –I will try my best to start every class 9:30am, sharp

8 Contact me anytime Office hour –Wed. –10am – noon –My office: 301-503 Phone: 880-9105

9 No cheating Zero Tolerance Cheating Policy Cheating in this class is defined as knowingly or unknowingly participating in the submission of unoriginal work for any test. –Answer to roll-call on behalf of another guy is also cheating If I find out that a student has cheated –Assign a fail grade to the student –Dismiss the student for the remainder of the class

10 Manners in the class Eating/drinking is OK –as long as noise is tolerable –As long as not smelly Going to restroom is OK Turn off your phones, music devices,… Using laptops, tablet PCs is OK –Only for class slides –with mute mode

11 Next class There is a video recording this Thursday Questionnaire after class

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