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Library Instruction in a New Culture of Teaching and Learning Laurie Alexander and Doreen Bradley University of Michigan Library April 30, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Instruction in a New Culture of Teaching and Learning Laurie Alexander and Doreen Bradley University of Michigan Library April 30, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Instruction in a New Culture of Teaching and Learning Laurie Alexander and Doreen Bradley University of Michigan Library April 30, 2010

2 Library as Campus Leader Six Big Questions Strategies Outcomes Next Steps Overview

3 Library as Campus Leader Campus Image of Library ◦ Innovation, problem-solving, and learning (technology and services) Broadening of Library’s scope ◦ DMC ◦ Publishing ◦ North Quad

4 Library as Campus Leader Moving beyond the fifty-minute session Library Instructors Expanding methods of delivery Integrating library expertise and values into the fabric of university

5 Six Big Questions: How do we… 1. identify and promote effective assessment of instruction? 2. guide a comprehensive suite of services to targeted learning communities? 3. facilitate planning and activities related to orientation and outreach activities? 4. explore and promote emerging technologies as they relate to instructional activities? 5. plan and develop relevant orientation activities and instruction for new users? 6. strengthen the instructional skills of Library staff?

6 Strategies Positions Instruction Governance Campus Partnerships

7 Positions Director of User Education Initiatives Learning Communities Librarian Undergraduate Learning Librarians

8 Instruction Governance Instruction Steering Committee o Assessment o Instructor College o Learning Communities o Leveraging Technology o Orientation o Outreach & Marketing

9 Campus Partnerships Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) Learning Communities College of Literature, Science & Arts (LSA) Digital Media Commons (DMC) School of Information (SI 501)

10 Outcomes Renewed energy Increased library and campus communications Prominent in our day-to-day thinking Increased engagement in improving instruction Increased campus partnerships

11 Next Steps Continue to nurture campus partnerships Build on our successes First annual review of instruction committee structure

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