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Chapter1 Introduction to NLP, CL, and Speech Recognition Hae-Chang Rim.

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2 Chapter1 Introduction to NLP, CL, and Speech Recognition Hae-Chang Rim

3 2 speech and language processing  1.1 Knowledge in SLP  1.2 Ambiguity  1.3 Models and Algorithms  1.4 Language, Thought and Understanding  1.5 The State of the Art and the near Future  1.6 Brief history

4 3 What should we study?  study what goes into getting computers to perform useful and interesting tasks involving human languages? Consider HAL, the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey

5 4 What should we study?  Such an artificial agent interacts with humans via languages speech recognition and natural language understanding understanding humans via speech recognition and natural language understanding natural language generation and speech synthesis communicating with humans via natural language generation and speech synthesis information retrieval, information extraction, and inference replying to humans via information retrieval, information extraction, and inference

6 5 Speech & Langue Processing  Solving these language-related problems, Natural Language Processing Computational Linguisticsspeech & language Speech Recognition & Synthesisprocessing

7 6 What ’ s needed?  categories of linguistic knowledge in SLP  phonetics( 음성학 ) & phonology( 음운론 ):  phonetics( 음성학 ) & phonology( 음운론 ): production of speech sounds, patterns/rules of sounds (phonemes)  morphology( 형태론 ) :  morphology( 형태론 ) : shape of word/morpheme, meaningful components of words and behavior of words in contexts  syntax( 문법론 ) :  syntax( 문법론 ) : properly order and group words together to make phrases, clauses, and sentences (structural relationships between words)

8 7 What ’ s needed?  categories of linguistic knowledge in SLP(cont.)  semantics( 의미론 ):  semantics( 의미론 ): lexical semantics(the meaning of the component words), compositional semantics(how the components combine to form larger meanings)  pragmatics( 화용론 ):  pragmatics( 화용론 ): appropriate use of language, in terms of their context of use (background knowledge, beliefs of speaker and hearer, relevant answer), how language is used to accomplish goals  discourse( 담화 ) :  discourse( 담화 ) : structured conversation, the study of linguistic units larger than a single utterance

9 8 What Should You Care? ambiguity  all tasks in SLP can be viewed as resolving ambiguity at one of six levels……………

10 9 Ambiguity I made her duck.  Consider the spoken sentence I made her duck. five interpretations: (1.1) I cooked waterfowl for her. (1.2) I cooked waterfowl belonging to her. (1.3) I created the (plaster?) duck she owns. (1.4) I caused her to quickly lower her head or body. (1.5) I waved my magic wand and turned her into undifferentiated waterfowl.

11 10 Ambiguity I made her duck” :  Ambiguities of “ I made her duck” : duck: duck: verb, noun (morphologically ambiguous)  POS tagging her: her: dative pronoun, a possessive pronoun (morphologically or syntactically ambiguous)  syntactic disambiguation make: make: create, cook (semantically ambiguous)  word sense disambiguation make: make: taking a single object (transitive), taking two objects (ditransitive) (syntactically ambiguous)  syntactic disambiguation

12 11 Resolving Ambiguities  Lexical disambiguation Part-of-speech tagging Word sense disambiguation  Syntactic disambiguation E.g. probabilistic parsing  Speech act interpretation Given sentence is statement or a question

13 12 Models and Algorithms  models :  models : the formalisms that are used to capture the various kinds of linguistic facts (knowledge) we need State machines, formal rule systems, logic, etc.  Algorithms: used to search or manipulate input representations to create the structures that are needed Depth first search, best-first search, etc.

14 13 Models in SLP  State Machines: formal models that consist of states, transitions among states and an input representations deterministic/non-deterministic FSA, FST, weighted automata, (hidden) markov models  Formal rule systems regular grammar, regular relations, context-free grammars, feature-augmented grammars, and their probabilistic variants  algorithms associated with both state-machines and formal rule systems  search algorithm : In most problems, the input spaces are normally too large to exhaustively explore, depth-first search, best-first, A*  dynamic algorithm : redundant computations are avoided

15 14 Models in SLP  Logical formalisms first-order logic (predicate-calculus), feature-structures, semantic networks, conceptual-dependency  Probability theory  Probability theory : to solve the many kinds of ambiguity problems (choose the most probable one) Each of the other models (state-machines, formal rule systems, and logic) can be augmented with probabilities  Machine learning tools  Machine learning tools: focus on ways to automatically learn the various representations; automata, rule systems, search heuristics, classifiers trained on large corpora

16 15 language, thought and understanding  SLP has an AI-ish flavor cognitive abilities the effective use of language is intertwined with our general cognitive abilities machine and think  Turing test (1950):  Turing test (1950):.en empirical test in which a computer ’ s use of language would form the basis for determining if it could think  ELIZA program(1966)  ELIZA program(1966) : early natural language processing system capable of carrying on a limited form of conversation with a user, make use of simple pattern- matching to mimic a psychotherapist

17 16 Turing Test MACHINE HUMAN INTERFACE CONTROLLED BY JUDGE ‘INTELLIGENT SUBJECT’ JUDGE QUESTION ANSWER QUESTION ANSWER The goal of the machine is to fool the judge into believing that it is the person. If the machine succeeds at this, then we will conclude that the machine can think.

18 17 The state of the art  recent commercialization of robust speech recognition systems and the rise of the Web SLP in spotlight & a plethora of exciting possible applications  current applications METEO project METEO project : broadcast weather reports in English and French (Chandioux, 1976) Babel Fish: Babel Fish: translation system from Systran operating on Alta Vista search engine VOYAGER VOYAGER system : spoken language interface system can answer a number of different types of questions concerning navigation within a city, as well as provide certain information about hotels, restaurants, libraries (Zue et al., 1991)

19 18 The state of the art  current applications (cont.) IEA IEA system: scoring written essays by computer (Landauer et al., 1997) LISTEN’s Reading Tutor project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor : helps children learn to read, uses speech recognition to listen to them read and responds with spoken and graphical feedback (Mostow and Aist 1999). VITRA VITRA system (visual translator) : watch a short video clip of a soccer match and provide a natural language report (integrating vision processing and natural language processing) (Wahlster 1989) intelligent communication aids intelligent communication aids for people with disabilities (Newell et al., 1998; McCoy et al., 1998)

20 19 Some brief history  SLP is interdisciplinary….., has different historical threads computational linguistics computational linguistics in linguistics, natural language processing natural language processing in computer science, speech recognition speech recognition in electrical engineering, computational psycholinguistics computational psycholinguistics in psychology.

21 20 Some brief history automaton probabilistic or information-theoretic models  Foundational insights(1940s and 1950s) : intensive work on two paradigms: the automaton and probabilistic or information-theoretic models automaton automaton (Turing 1936), McCulloch-Pitts neuron (McCulloch and Pitts 1943) probabilistic models of discrete Markov processes probabilistic models of discrete Markov processes to automata for language (Shannon 1948) finite-state grammar finite-state grammar (Chomsky 1956) noisy channel, decoding, entropy noisy channel, decoding, entropy (Shannon) speech recognizer first a statistical machine speech recognizer that recognize any of the 10 digits from a single speaker (Bell Labs, Davis et al., 1952)

22 21 Some brief history  1957~1970 : two paradigms: symbolic and stochastic  symbolic paradigm Chomskyformal language theory and generative syntax took off from two lines of linguistic research: the work of Chomsky, work on formal language theory and generative syntax parsing many works on parsing : top-down, bottom-up, dynamic programming, e.g. Harris’s parser (1962) AI-related works AI-related works (reasoning and logic, knowledge- representation, general problem solver) : John McCathy, Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon, Newell

23 22 Some brief history  1957~1970 : two paradigms: symbolic and stochastic (cont.)  stochastic paradigm took hold mainly in statistics and electrical engineering Bayesian methods Bayesian methods were applied to optical character recognition and text recognition (Browning, 1959; Mosteller and Wallace, 1964)  first on-line corpora, one-line dictionary Brown corpus Brown corpus : a 1 million word collection of samples (Kucera and Francis, 1967; 1979; 1982) DOC DOC : on-line Chinese dialect dictionary

24 23 Some brief history  1970-1983 : Four paradigms (stochastic, logic-based, natural language understanding, discourse modeling)  stochastic paradigm development of speech recognition algorithms played a huge role in the development of speech recognition algorithms, particularly the Hidden Markov Model, noisy channel, and decoding SR research group IBM’s TJ Watson Research group (Jelinek, Bahl, Mercer) CMU group (Baker) AT&T Bell Lab. (Rabiner and Juang)

25 24 Some brief history  1970-1983 : Four paradigms (cont.)  logic-based paradigm Q-systems and metamorphosis grammars (Colmerauer, 1970, 1975) Definite Clause Grammars (Pereira and Warren, 1980) Functional grammar (Kay, 1979) LFG and feature structure unification (Bresnan and Kaplan, 1982)

26 25 Some brief history  1970-1983 : Four paradigms (cont.)  natural language understanding paradigm SHRDLU SHRDLU system which simulated a robot embedded in a world of toy blocks by accepting natural language text commands (Winograd, 1972) Conceptual knowledge representation Conceptual knowledge representation researches such as scripts, plans, goals, and human memory organization (Schank and his colleagues, 1972, 1975, 1979) Network based semantics Network based semantics (Quillian, 1968; Rumelhart, 1975; Fillmore, 1968; Simmons, 1973) LUNAR LUNAR QA system (Woods, 1973)

27 26 Some brief history  1970-1982 : Four paradigms (cont.)  discourse modeling paradigm focused on four key areas in discourse substructure study of substructure in discourse (Groz, 1977) focus study of discourse focus (Sidner, 1983) reference resolution study of automatic reference resolution (Hobbs, 1978) BDI speech acts study of BDI (belief-desire-intention) framework and speech acts (Perrault and Allen, 1980; Cohen and Perrault 1979)

28 27 Some brief history  1983-1993 : Empiricism and Finite State Models Redux  Finite State Models finite-state phonology and morphology (Kaplan and Kay, 1981) finite-state models of syntax (Church, 1980)  Return of empiricism probabilistic models the rise of probabilistic models throughout speech and language processing probabilistic methods and data-driven approaches probabilistic methods and data-driven approaches spread into POS tagging, parsing, attachment disambiguation connectionist approaches connectionist approaches

29 28 Some brief history  1994-1999 : the field comes together probabilistic and data-driven models probabilistic and data-driven models had become quite standard throughout natural language processing increases in the speed and memory the increases in the speed and memory of computers had allowed commercial exploitation of a number of SLP: speech recognition, and spelling & grammar checking Augmentative and Alternative Communication SLP algorithms began to be applied to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) the rise of the Web the rise of the Web emphasized the need for language-based information retrieval and information extraction

30 29 Summary  A good way to understand the concerns of SLP process ing research is to consider what it would take to create an intelligent agent like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyss ey.  Speech and language technology relies on formal mode ls, or representations, of knowledge of language at the 6 levels of phonology and phonetics, morphology, synt ax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse

31 30 Summary  The foundations of speech and language technology lie in computer science, linguistics, mathematics, electrica l engineering and psychology.  The critical connection between language and thought has placed speech and language processing technolog y at the center of debate over intelligent machines.  Revolutionary applications of speech and language pro cessing are currently in use around the world. Recent advances in speech recognition and the creation of the World-Wide Web will lead to many more applications

32 31 bibliographical and historical notes  NLP-related conferences ACL/EACL/NAACL COLING IJCNLP ANLP(Applied Natural Language Processing) EMNLP(Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  IR-related conferences SIGIR AIRS TREC  NLP-related journal Computational Linguistics Natural Language Engineering

33 32 bibliographical and historical notes  speech-related conferences ICSLP (International Conference on Spoken Language Processing) EUROSPEECH IEEE ICASSP(IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing)  speech-related journal Speech Communication Computer Speech and Language IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

34 33 bibliographical and historical notes  AI-related conferences AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence) IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)  AI-related journal Artificial Intelligence Computational Intelligence IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Systems Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

35 34 bibliographical and historical notes  Cognitive Science-related Workshops DARPA Speech and Natural Language Processing Workshop ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology  Cognitive Science-related journal Cognitive Science

36 35 bibliographical and historical notes  Textbooks Foundations of Statistical Language Processing (Manning and Schütze, 1999) Statistical Language Learning (Charniak, 1993) Natural Language Understanding (Allen, 1995) Natural Language Processing in Lisp/Prolog (Gazdar and Mellish, 1989) Readings in Natural Language Processing (Grosz et al., 1986)

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