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Update GMES & floods Arno KASCHL DG Environment 16 February 2011.

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1 Update GMES & floods Arno KASCHL DG Environment 16 February 2011

2 GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment & Security

3 >>> 6 GMES Services Horizontal applications Monitoring of the Earth system Land Marine Atmosphere SecurityEmergencyClimate Services provide information products (e.g. maps, datasets, gridded fields, assessment reports, targeted alerts, etc.)

4 GMES state of play GMES Regulation (EU No. 911/2010) has entered into force 9 November 2010!  establishes a Programme, envisaging long-term  gives money for Operations („GMES initial operations“ 2011-13), on top of research!  open data policy for Sentinel satellites & where EU is owner  Establishes User Forum This is a game changer, away from R&D, towards operational services & products!

5 Source: BICEPS report, 2004

6 Some relevant products for floods, e.g. Prep action on reference data Tender 2009 (€2 MIO) in support of land monitoring/emergency services: (1)DEM over Europe: 38 countries, 1 arcsec horizontal resolution, average 5 m vertical resolution freely accessible! (2) Hydrographic layer: homogeneous European wide coverage of a hydrographical network that is fully connected, geometrical accuracy consistent with the resolution scale (1:100.000 to 1:250.000 range) based on ECRINS, and CCM (JRC), basins from 5 -500 km2 (100 km2 on average), incorporated lakes and dams  A step towards integration of various existing datasets and convergence to single reference at EU level enables considerable improvement of spatial modelling for Community environmental policies  MS reporting under WFD directive in WISE DEM: commercial product NEXTmap Europe 1m vertical resolution

7 Some relevant products for floods, e.g. Initial operations Land Monitoring Pan-European Land Cover services (€17 MIO, 2011-2013)  to produce up to 5 High Resolution layers of dominant land-cover classes EEA39 (wall to wall coverage) Spatial resolution 20x20m, MMU 1 ha  „Imperviousness“: sealing density, builtup areas (change)  Forests: cover, type, crown density  Small Waterbodies  Wetlands: RAMSAR def., pressures/changes  Grasslands: natural/cultivated  intensity/dynamics  to ensure the continuity of CORINE Land Cover time series; and  to support the harmonisation effort of MS for aggregating their national products at European level

8 300+ larger urban zones, CORINE classes  Repeat of 2009 exercise in 2012 in addition, further action on biodiversity-relevant zones envisaged (up to €3MIO) Some relevant products for floods, e.g. URBAN ATLAS „Zooming on hotspot areas“ Ca. 50x50 km Based on multispectral VHR 2.5m satellite data MMU = 0.25ha Positional Accurarcy: 5m €3 MIO

9 GMES Urban Atlas free access (visualisation + download) GMES & INSPIRE - Krakow, INSPIRE-2010 / EuroGEOSS, 23 June 2010

10 Some relevant products for floods, e.g. SAFER project

11 Some relevant products for floods, e.g. emergency actions in initial operations €12 MIO 2011-13 (1)“SAFER follow on” (i) emergency response maps (rush mode  impact, damage, follow evolution of disaster in the hours and days after the crisis (ii) geographic reference maps, basic topographic on area, especially infrastructure (2) Prevention (EWS):Contribution to EFAS (European Flood Alert System) (i) Twice-daily pan-European flood forecasts provided to MS national and regional hydrological services, and the European Commission (ii) A daily updated pan-European overview at low scale of ongoing floods available on a public website

12 User Involvement in GMES  User Forum In the past, GMES mostly provider-driven. New framework enables to better bring in users! Need to make user needs of particular communities clear -> YOU!  „User Forum“ in GMES Regulation  advises EC on defining and validating user requirements  a focus on public users  on a thematic basis (Land monitoring, Atmosphere, Marine,..)  thematic facilitators such as ENV, EEA (plus EIONET) to help consultation process  and national processes to underpin the User Forum Provide feedback! GET INVOLVED! Make your needs e.g. for reporting known!  Either directly to us (  Or to GMES coordinator Or GMES User Forum representative in your country  First PREPARATORY WORKSHOP for USER FORUM LAND, 9 March, you are invited!  First „official“ USER FORUM in May 2011


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