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Advance Database S2-2011 Week-6 Dr.Kwanchai Eurviriyanukul

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Presentation on theme: "Advance Database S2-2011 Week-6 Dr.Kwanchai Eurviriyanukul"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance Database S2-2011 Week-6 Dr.Kwanchai Eurviriyanukul

2 Contents Week-6 XML Basics 5: 7 ธค. – DOM – XML DTD – XML Schema : 14 ธค XML Query – Xpath 6: 21 ธค – Xquery7: 24 ธค – XSL 8: 24 ธค WebService 9: 4 มค – TH-E-GIF DataIntegration 10: 11 มค – Schema matching and mapping Parallel Database 11:18 มค GIS 12:

3 Contents Week-6 Quiz 10 mins XML Schema – Simple type 40 mins – Break 10 mins – Complex type 40 mins – Lab intro 20 mins

4 Week-6-Lab Please write a PHP program to validate the following XML document against the given XML Schema.

5 Week-6-Lab Please write a PHP program to validate the following XML document against the given XML Schema.

6 Week-6-Lab Please construct an XML Schema to store the location information (Latitude && Longitude ) of the given location and write a PHP program to validate the XML document against the given XML Schema.


8 Contents Week-6 DTD review Quiz XML Schema – Simple type – Break – Complex type – Lab intro

9 9 From Stanford: Well-Formed and Valid XML Well-Formed XML allows you to invent your own tags. Valid XML conforms to a certain DTD.

10 DTD review 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.?

11 DTD review 2.? 3.? 4.?

12 DTD review 3.? 4.?

13 DTD review 4.?

14 DTD review

15 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.?

16 DTD review 2.? 3.? 4.?

17 DTD review 3.? 4.?

18 DTD review 4.?

19 DTD review

20 DTD review: External Declaration 1.? 2.?

21 DTD review: External Declaration 2.?

22 DTD review: External Declaration

23 Example-1 2.? 1.? 3.?

24 Example-1 2.? 3.?

25 Example-1 3.?

26 Example-1

27 Quiz ?id=25

28 XML Schema Example

29 Referencing of XML Schema Example


31 Example-1

32 1.? 2.? 3.?

33 Example-1 2.? 3.?

34 Example-1 3.?

35 Example-1

36 Example-2 1.? 2.?

37 Example-2 2.?

38 Example-2

39 Example-3

40 1.? 2.? 3.? 4.?

41 Example-3 2.? 3.? 4.?

42 Example-3 3.? 4.?

43 Example-3 4.?

44 Example-3


46 Week-6-End

47 Contents Week-6 Quiz XML Schema – Simple type – Break – Complex type – Lab intro

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