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The thing that makes us think, feel, and act differently.

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Presentation on theme: "The thing that makes us think, feel, and act differently."— Presentation transcript:

1 The thing that makes us think, feel, and act differently

2  Def: the consistent, enduring, and unique characteristics of a person

3  1) a way to organize characteristics  2) explains differences among individuals  3) explores how people conduct their lives  4) improves people’s lives

4  Sigmund Freud: emphasized unconscious motives  B.F. Skinner: how rewards and punishments shape us  Social learning theories: observational learning impact  Trait theories: emphasized understanding personality characteristics  Humanistic: potential for human growth  Cognitive: thoughts, perceptions, feelings

5 Slip of the tongue? Did you mean it? Freud thought so. Sick, sick Freud.

6  Def: the part of the mind that contains material of which we are unaware but that strongly influences conscious processes and behaviors

7  Def: needs, drives, instincts, and repressed material  Operates in terms of the pleasure principle

8  Def: part that is in touch with reality; wants to meet the demands of the id and superego in socially acceptable ways  Operates in terms of the reality principle  Mostly conscious

9  Def: source of conscience; counteracts socially undesirable impulses of the id  Operates in terms of the moral principle  Source of guilt

10  Def: specific means by which the ego unconsciously protects itself against unpleasant impulses or circumstances

11  Making up acceptable excuses for behaviors that cause us to feel anxious

12  Pushing painful memories out of awareness  May show up in slips of the tongue or dreams

13  Refusing to accept the reality of something that makes you anxious

14  Inner feelings are projected outside the self and assigned to others

15  Replacing an unacceptable feeling or urge with an opposite one

16  Going back to an earlier and less mature pattern of behavior

17  Redirecting thoughts, feelings, and impulses directed at one person/object, but taken out on another

18  Redirecting a forbidden desire into a socially acceptable desire

19  Differed from Freud in 2 ways:  1) had a more positive outlook on human nature  2) distinguished btwn personal conscious and COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS: contains inherited instincts, urges, and memories common to all people

20  Def: an inherited idea, based on the experiences of one’s ancestors, which shape one’s perception of the world  Jung---they influence our thoughts and feelings

21  Believed our driving force is a desire to overcome feelings of inferiority  INFERIORITY COMPLEX: pattern of avoiding feelings of inadequacy rather than trying to overcome their source

22 Behaviorists look to the environment to see what is reinforcing behavior

23  BEHAVIORISM: Def: belief that the subject matter of psychology ought to be observable behavior  CONTINGENCIES OF REINFORCEMENT: the occurrences of a reward or punishment following a particular behavior

24  Idea that personality is acquired through everyday models  RECIPROCAL DETERMINISM: btwn the individual, the behavior of the individual, and the environment  SELF-EFFICACY: our view of our ability to succeed

25 Stress the positive aspects of human nature…hippies

26  Def: an approach that stresses the uniqueness of an individual  Believe we strive for…  SELF-ACTUALIZATION: realizing one’s unique potential

27  Maslow studied self- actualized people  Traits of self-actualized:  Perceive reality accurately  Accept themselves and others  Spontaneous  Autonomous  Appreciate simple things

28  Rogers was concerned with the path to self- actualization  Believed there was a conflict btwn what we value in ourselves and what others value in us

29  SELF: one’s image of oneself, developed through interaction with others  POSITIVE REGARD: viewing oneself in a positive light due to positive feedback from others (Unconditional positive regard)  CONDITIONS OF WORTH: conditions a person must meet in order to regard him/herself positively  FULLY FUNCTIONING: an individual whose person and self coincide

30  Based on analysis of our own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings  George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory: our ideas of ourselves, of others, and of our world shape our behavior and our personalities  Schemas

31 Nice, smart, arrogant, funny. Some psychs believe studying these traits in detail is the best approach to solving human behavior

32  Def: a tendency to react to a situation in a way that remains stable over time

33  2 assumptions:  1) Every trait applies to all people  2) Descriptions can be quantified  Most believe a few basic traits are central for all  Traits measured on a continuum

34  3 kinds of individual traits:  1) Cardinal trait: characteristic or feature that is so pervasive the person is almost identified with it  2) Central trait: makes us predictable  3) Secondary trait: preferences in food, music; least important

35  Used factor analysis, stat technique used to identify the underlying reasons variables are correlated  Used Allport’s list of traits  Came up with 46 Surface traits: stable characteristics that can be observed in certain situations

36  The 46 came from 16 Source traits: traits considered at the core of personality  By measuring these, we can predict behavior in certain situations

37  2 basic dimensions to personality:  1) Stability vs. Instability: how much control you have over your feelings  2) Extraversion vs. Introversion  3 rd added later: psychoticism

38  5 traits that appear repeatedly in different studies  1) Openness to experience  2) Conscientiousness: organized, responsible  3) Extraversion  4) Agreeableness  5) Neuroticism: emotional stability  OCEAN  Each trait is on a continuum

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