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Approaches to Reading and Spelling in senior classes.

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1 Approaches to Reading and Spelling in senior classes

2 Guided Reading is a differentiated approach to teaching reading to children at primary school level Children read at their own level, making reading enjoyable and meaningful for them The class reader is too easy for some pupils and too difficult for others

3  School Self Evaluation  Statistics from Australia and New Zealand where this approach is on the national curricula  Very positive feedback from teachers in the school who had attended courses and undertaken research on the topic  Successful pilot in 2 nd and 3 rd classes in 2013/14

4  Pupils are tested to help with grouping. This testing is called Benchmarking.  Testing is done 1:1 outside the door using a kit  The class teacher and/or the support teacher benchmarks.  At 5 th / 6 th class level we only need to benchmark a sample of students

5  1 st - 6 th Classes -All year in all classes- 2 days per week- 1hr.  Support teacher working in class.

6 Class is divided into 4 groups - similar reading ability 2 adults- Class Teacher + Support Teacher- 2 groups each Each group is reading a different text/novel While teacher is working with one group, the other group is working on an independent task Some variations on this … SNA/ class dynamic etc

7 Monday …. Spelling sheet with words for the week given to children.

8 LookSayCoverWriteCheck

9  Word searches  Word Bingo  Alphabet blocks  Fill the blanks  Spelling Games

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