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INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS (ISPP) 10 year planning outlook10 year planning outlook Monia Lahaie, DCFO and Director General Finance at Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS (ISPP) 10 year planning outlook10 year planning outlook Monia Lahaie, DCFO and Director General Finance at Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS (ISPP) 10 year planning outlook10 year planning outlook Monia Lahaie, DCFO and Director General Finance at Statistics Canada January 21, 2016

2 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 April May / June July to October STEPSSTEPS 1. Strategic Planning Direction 2. Preliminary Planning Conference 3. Investment Business Case Development 4. Planning Conference 5. Communication Plans and Priorities 6. Monitoring Performance ELEMENTSELEMENTS Corporate Management Framework Corporate Priorities Environmental Scan: Government Priorities and Stakeholders Corporate Risk Profile 10 Year Plan Business Proposals Field Planning Boards Prioritization of Proposals Preliminary Analysis of Finance, HR and IT Availabilities IT Systems Roadmaps and Plan Prioritization and Approval by Field Planning Boards Project Capacity Risk Assessment Field Planning Boards Assessment of Interdependencies between Investments and Across Fields Consultation with Stakeholders Develop Business Cases / Costing and Checklists Prioritization vs Available Resources Peer Review and Challenge Function Field Planning Board Presentations of Business Cases Final Integrated Analysis of Finance, HR and IT Availabilities Budget Allocations Chief Statistician’s Annual Address to Employees Corporate Business Plan Report on Plans and Priorities Finalize Project Plans External Reporting Monthly Financial Reporting Performance Management Agreements Departmental Investment Plan Monthly Project Dashboards Internal Audit and Evaluation OUTPUTOUTPUT Strategic Planning Direction Proposals for Further Consideration Recommended Investment Business Cases Final Integrated Strategic Plan Plans and Resource Allocations for New Year Completed Planning Cycle Integrated Strategic Planning Process Project Categories (CQM / CBA / Innovation \ NI)

3 Appendices 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3

4 Benefits Corporate understanding of priorities, risks, inter-dependencies and planned investments Corporate oversight for IP is optimal to maximize use of funds and prioritization Managers have functional budgets for the next 3 years and planned budgets for the next 10 years based on current planning assumptions Provides assurance to the Chief Statistician that the organization:  continuously reviews its corporate business architecture (CBA) to be as efficient as possible  will be able to ensure the continuity and quality maintenance (CQM) of its existing programs and infrastructure –Inventory of investments by category and cyclicality analysis (implementation of new international standards and classifications, system redesigns, sample and program redesign, etc)  will continue to innovate and encourage this culture across the organization  has a good understanding of government, stakeholders priorities and of new programs that should be brought forward for consideration for external funding Also provides the information for the Departmental Investment Plan to TBS 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4

5 Lessons Learned - Successes Unwavering senior management support (and realistic transparent discussions on facts and willingness to make adjustments as plans evolve) Clear roles and responsibilities for all involved Implemented horizontal projects to streamline systems or programs to reinvest in other projects Encourage innovation (Innovation Forum, Big Ideas Conferences, etc) Make executives accountable in performance agreements and have mandatory training Provide compliance reports on DPMF and monthly dashboard reporting on all projects over $150,000 Standard costing template for all project proposals Continuously learn from each project (update attestation checklists for each IP) Internal and external consultations with clear responsibilities and sign-offs at each stage Importance of coding by activity to provide accurate information for decision- making and historical purposes 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5

6 Lessons Learned - Challenges  Challenges: Culture shift from fields to consider corporate objectives first Perception from managers that the DPMF is an administrative burden  Now have 100% compliance but took time  Currently reviewing the framework based on experience from last 3 years and making improvements and simplifications based on feedback from managers Communication is key Estimating efficiencies Management of interdependencies 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6

7 Role of Finance 01/02/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7 Corporate Finance:  Support CFO attestation  Present the financial context and outlook (Context, Assumptions and Risks, Plans vs Availabilities)  Provide solid costing framework, guidelines and standard costing tools  Responsibility for ISPP, CBA and DPMO Financial Management Advisors (FMA)  Support managers, apply costing guidelines and sign-off on costing of IPs  Validate assumptions and documentation  Official members at Field Planning Boards  Attend the planning conferences  Allocate functional and program budgets  Complete monthly financial reviews including validation of the financial section in the project dashboards

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