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R11 wood+R9 Iron Full Set Flight Control Technology (FCT) allows you to adjust your launch angle by increasing or decreasing the R11 driver's loft by.

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Presentation on theme: "R11 wood+R9 Iron Full Set Flight Control Technology (FCT) allows you to adjust your launch angle by increasing or decreasing the R11 driver's loft by."— Presentation transcript:


2 R11 wood+R9 Iron Full Set Flight Control Technology (FCT) allows you to adjust your launch angle by increasing or decreasing the R11 driver's loft by 1 degree higher or 1 degree lower. Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) technology allows you to set the face in a square position or open or close the face angle by 2 degrees. Movable Weight Technology (MWT) allows you to tune the driver's center of gravity to promote a draw or neutral ball flight. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Irons Driver 2, 3 Wood Sand Wedge Pitching Wedge Putter The average golfer is 40 years old, married, household income over $85,000

3 TARGETED EDITIONS SI Golf Plus, a selectively bound edition, targets subscribers who are golf enthusiasts, as well as subscribers who have specifically requested the edition through SI’s selective edit program. The edition consists of an editorial section within the regular weekly issue featuring previews and reports of tournaments and major events, and coverage of the most current issues and personalities. Produced by senior editors and writers, SI Golf Plus is available 22 times in 2011. Black & White 4-Color Full Page $49,100 - $75,500 SI will publish one stand alone issue dedicated to reviewing and evaluating golf equipment for the approaching season. Published once a year, this issue targets our 500,000 Golf Plus subscribers.

4 Black & White 4-Color Full Page $49,100 $75,500 Golf Plus targets our 500,000 Golf Plus subscribers plus an additional 200,000 moderate golfers. Golf Plus Preview issues are stand alone publications that run as a supplement to the weekly issue. 4-Color Full Page $63,000 $96,900 SI Golf Plus – 500,000 (Rate Base) Golf Plus Equipment Stand Alone Issue – 500,000 (Rate Base) February 7, 2011 Golf Plus Preview Stand Alone Issues – 700,000 (Rate Base)

5  Northeastern – 465,000 (Rate Base)  Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York (less Brooklyn, Queens, and Long  Island), Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio (Eastern balance and Cleveland)  Eastern – 530,000 (Rate Base)  Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York (Brooklyn, Queens, and Long  Island), Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia  Southern – 535,000 (Rate Base)  Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee  Southwestern – 405,000 (Rate Base)  Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri (Western balance and Kansas City), Montana,  New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming  Midwestern – 625,000 (Rate Base)  Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri (Eastern balance and St. Louis), North  Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio (except Eastern balance and Cleveland), South Dakota, Wisconsin  Western – 505,000 (Rate Base)  Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington

6  Putting my full page ad in the SI stand alone magazine using 4-color will cost about $75,500*22 = $1,661,000.  This magazine is published 22 times during the season.  Publishing my ½ page ad using 4-color will cost about $37,750*22 = $830,500.  This will also be published 22 times during the season.


8 REACH SI Golf+ is the #1 Weekly Golf Publication. Reaching 4.5 million golfing consumers and described as a "magazine within a magazine", SI Golf+ delivers timely news and coverage on top events and personalities throughout the golf season. Distributed to Sports Illustrated subscribers who are hand raisers, golf enthusiasts or have been identified as having golf affinities

9 six-week lead time Great Frequency and Reach. Frequency- 22 times a year. Reach-over 4 million consumers MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS: Trim Size: 8” x 10-1/2” STANDARD UNITS NON-BLEED BLEED Page 7” x 10” 8-1/4” x 10-3/4” Spread 15” x 10”* 16-1/4” x 10-3/4” 2/3 Page 4-5/8” x 10” 5-5/16” x 10-3/4” 1/2 Page Digest 4-5/8” x 7-1/2” 5-5/16” x 8” 1/2 Page Horizontal 7” x 4-7/8” 8-1/4” x 5-3/8” 1/2 Page Horizontal Spread 15” x 4-7/8” 16- 1/4” x 5-3/8” 1/2 Page Vertical 3-3/8” x 10” 4” x 10- 3/4”


11 Demographics/Profile: Women23% Men77% Median Age44 College Educated70% Median HH Income$ 82,388 Sports Illustrated Golf Plus contains in-depth previews of upcoming events, outstanding coverage of weekly tournaments, news and notes from the world of golf, insightful profiles of their favourite players. SPENDING: $81.95 AVERAGE ORDER

12 Dustin Johnson

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