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Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 BUXTON Buxton Building Contractors The East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 BUXTON Buxton Building Contractors The East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 BUXTON Buxton Building Contractors The East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre SITE SAFETY INDUCTION

2 Site Details Site AddressThe East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre East Surrey Hospital Canada Avenue Redhill RH1 5RH Site ManagersDaniel Nicholas Site Safety Representative/1 st AiderDaniel Nicholas Introduction All site personnel and operatives are to be inducted prior to entering the site. The following information and advice has been produced to ensure that all persons involved on the site are fully aware of their surroundings, potential hazards and procedures to be followed. Please keep this booklet for future reference. Traffic Management Parking—Parking will be within the golf club car park, the pay machines are located inside the east entrance please ensure your vehicles are parked in this car park only. Do not park in such a way so as to inconvenience the visitors to the hospital and golf club and associated staff. Deliveries Ensure that all deliveries are booked in advance with the Site Manager. All drivers must report in to the Site Manager’s office on arrival to site. All deliveries must approach the site with caution and must not reverse without a banksman. All vehicles must park in the access road and not on the public thoroughfare. Site Boundaries, Access & Times The entrance to the site is from Canada avenue and must be kept clear at all times. The site boundaries are formed by a mixture of solid timber hoarding and heras fence panels. Boundary to southeast elevation also forms safety barrier to the overhead power cables Machine Drivers / Plant All drivers must produce tickets for driving and test certificates for plant and the site book should be entered by driver’s LOLER. Canteen & Welfare Facilities Welfare facilities are situated within the golf club car park Please keep the facilities clean and tidy. All rubbish must be placed in the bins provided. Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 We have left some pages blank for you to be creative and draw/colour your experiences of the visit to our construction site!

3 Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 We have left some pages blank for you to be creative and draw/colour your experiences of the visit to our construction site!

4 Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 Face Shield, Gauntlets & Apron — to be used for welding. In addition to these items, there are many special operations requiring particular precautions. If you are not sure what precautions to take refer to the Site Manager before commencing. General Behaviour Standards All operatives are required to act in an appropriate manner as outlined below:- Dress appropriately for the activity being carried out—T-shirt and long trousers as a minimum. You cannot wear T-shirts that will offend the general public. Be polite and do not use bad language or engage in verbal exchanges with the general public or local residents. Shouting, swearing or provocative body language will lead to disciplinary action, and may lead to prosecution in line with the Equality Act 2010. Any incidents must be reported immediately to Site Management. Use Of Mobile Phones On Site Many operatives spend a considerable amount of time making and receiving calls on mobiles. This reduces awareness of the surrounding environment on site, i.e.. machinery movement. Mobile phones are not to be used in the works area of the site but in designated area only. If you need to use a phone that must be in your break times. Mobiles should not be used by anyone near working plant Radios No radios, IPODs, Walkman stereos or other musical players are allowed on site. Smoking / Alcohol Smoking is strictly forbidden within the working areas of the site and within enclosed canteen, welfare or office facilities. There is a designated smoking area adjacent to the canteen. Anyone smoking outside of this area will be removed from site. Anyone found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be requested to leave site immediately. Permits To Work And Hot Works Permits A PERMIT TO WORK must be obtained from the Site Manager for the following activities:- · Any hot works inc. grinding, burning or welding of metal and pipe soldering. · Works close to over head cables and below ground services · Connection to the main sewer and any works in confined space · Working on live services. · Work outside the compound and site. · Permit to Dig You can use these pages following you return visit to site!

5 Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 Above is a type of plant we use on this particular site, see if you can find me! But remember be careful We have left some pages blank for you to be creative and draw/colour your experiences of the visit to our construction site!

6 Towers Do not undertake to erect mobile towers unless you have shown evidence of training. SCAFFOLD All operatives should not be adapting any scaffold/removing/adding etc. If scaffold is in your way or you need scaffold adapted or raised/covered, speak to Site Manager. LADDERS All ladders must be tied. Steps are not permitted on site. Use of podiums preferred. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Point of Contact All emergency situations must be brought to the attention of the Site Manager as soon as it is SAFE and PRACTICABLE to do so. A copy of these procedures will be displayed in the canteen and issued to all operatives. Emergency contact details will also be posted on the site hoarding as part of the CCS signage. 1st Contact – Dan Nicholas – 07841372116 2nd Contact – Steve Dowling - 07824151983 If the overhead power lines or underground service are struck or slightly damaged in anyway UK Power networks must be contacted immediately on 0800 0963766 The following information must be provided:- Buxton Builders at East Surrey Hospital and contact number Date time and place damage occurred Description of the plant/line/equipment damaged Name of person whom you believe caused the damage The nature of the damage Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedure The Fire Plans are displayed in the Site Office & Canteen. Fire extinguishers are located around the building and within the Welfare area In the event of discovering a fire:- If appropriate, extinguish with available appliance. If the fire is substantial do not attempt to put it out, or put yourself at risk. Abuse or misuse of fire extinguishers will be viewed as misconduct. Site Safety Induction - Issue No 1 Appendix HS904 10 th August 2015 As part of your induction, how many Buxtons bears have you spotted? Please enter the number in the box below once you have completed your induction and read this booklet We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our site and would like to invite you back near completion to re-inspect our works, you can then tell us how many Buxton bears you have found? We have left some pages blank for you to be creative and draw/colour your experiences of the visit to our construction site!

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