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International Operations Doctoral Consortium CIBER PhD Consortium Purdue, Duke, UCLA, Michigan, U Penn, UT Austin, UW.

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Presentation on theme: "International Operations Doctoral Consortium CIBER PhD Consortium Purdue, Duke, UCLA, Michigan, U Penn, UT Austin, UW."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Operations Doctoral Consortium CIBER PhD Consortium Purdue, Duke, UCLA, Michigan, U Penn, UT Austin, UW

2 Introductions Ananth Iyer, Associate Dean Graduate Programs, Susan Bulkeley Butler Chair in Operations Management This is the Sixth such event Focus – Doctoral Students Goal – Increase doctoral student interest in research and teaching of International Operations Introduce yourselves – who you are, your University, year in the PhD, your research topic or aspiration

3 What is International Operations Institutions Trade Exchange Rates Regulation Risk Accounting Sustainability And many other topics…

4 What will the faculty presentations focus on ? Mac Dada – Modeling Global Operations David Hummels – Trade Liberalization in Services Jay Swaminathan – Humanitarian Logistics and Global Health Sridhar Seshadri – Financial Risk and Operations Justin Jia – Remanufacturing Prashant Yadav – Global Health and Models Masha Shunko – Transfer Prices Ananth Iyer – Environmental Issues – regulation and operations impact

5 What is the ideal process ? All presentations will be interactive – don’t worry about the speaker finishing their talk Students expected to be active listeners – it is expected that you will challenge the models, implications etc Form networks among your peers – today’s doctoral student is tomorrow’s faculty colleague Enjoy your time here – get to know a lot of people, get their contact information

6 What can we do next ? Read/write a blog – mine is Form your own or read others, post, use the information Attend a trade organizations meeting Read Fortune, Economist, Financial Times, Businessweek, WSJ, NY Times….. Get newsletters on sustainability, regulation etc

7 Why do International Operations Interesting research contexts – there is usually a country that has a law that can justify a model assumption Possible sources of detailed data Collection of firms in a region that are making a change in the way they run operations

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