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Training Module.  Training should be everyone’s concern.  It starts the day one accepts the job.  Proper training develops a better understanding of.

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1 Training Module

2  Training should be everyone’s concern.  It starts the day one accepts the job.  Proper training develops a better understanding of the position one holds  Proper training makes the Order stronger.  Ongoing training brings out the best in everyone.  No organization survives with “one shot” training session

3  They are the middle men between State and Councils  They disseminate information from State to the District Deputies who in turn bring the message to their Councils.  They manage their territory for the State Deputy.  They are expected to assure that a team effort is needed and maintained

4  ATTITUDE: Be positive & those around you will see it & imitate it.  COMMITMENT: You must commit to the position, otherwise, it means nothing & your leadership fails.  ORGANIZATION: Be organized, know your people. Develop a tracking system for reports that need to be submitted.

5  COMMUNICATION: Call them on a regular basis. Send out all memos & communiqués regularly even if it means 2 or 3 or 4 per day. Follow up with phone calls to assure that the D.D.’s have passed on the information.  RESPONSIBILITY: Check on responsibilities of your D.D.’s – Recrutement, Installation of Officers, reports of Councils, D.D. Meetings, etc...  REGIONAL MTGS: Have at least two regional meetings so that you have a face to face encounter with your D.D.’s

6  STRATEGY: Develop strategies with your D.D.’s to promote recruitmenet within their Districts.  MEMBERSHIP: Discuss how your D.D.’s can implement a membership component in each planned events that Councils organize.  TRAINING: Make sure your D.D.’s are promoting Training for Officers within their District and helping out with this training.



9  Call to Order  Prayer (Fr McGivney) & Word of Welcome  Comments on memos and information sent out to District Deputies: You are required to send them on ASAP to all your Grand Knights so that they may inform their members. ◦ Form 185 (Results of Elections) - should be in your hands ◦ Form 365 ( Directors of Programs) - should be in your hands ◦ Form 1295 (Semi-annual audit) - should be in your hands ◦ membership drive report on blitzes - due end of October ◦ planner inserts ◦ Degree List (latest update - Oct 12) ◦ Your Passwords for both Supreme and State - very important ◦ Progress of your Councils RE: membership quota, insurance quota, monies owed, etc... ◦ Report to submit for First Degrees - Form 450 - GK(form 450C) ◦ New Lottery Raffle ◦ Travel Expense - Pembroke, Arnprior, Carleton Place

10 DistrictBus. PlanChaplainsD.W. 185 Officers 365 Directors 1295 Audit Planner (Insert) 944 B D.D. 1 √√√ 2 √√√√√ 30 √ 44 66 79 92 √ 98 101 Ref:Ex AEx BEx CEx D Ex E

11  Reports Due: Develop a tracking system. Use either "Forms Booklet" (Ex F) or a summary sheet (Ex G) ◦ Reports for Programs must be submitted even if Council does not participate ◦ Reports are submitted by one of three methods:  Membership Management program (F.S.) - N.B.: only goes to Supreme/need to do a PDF copy & send to State, D.D.(Ex H)  internet (attachment to e-mail) (Ex H)  Printed (fax or snail mail) (Ex I)  General Agent - (10 - 12 Minutes)  Calendar of Events for 2013-2014 – should be prepared & submitted by 1 st D.D. Meeting along with an operating budget for the Columbian year that supports proposed events - You should have this on file for each Council in your District (Calendar 1 Ex J - Calendar 2 Ex K - Budget Ex L)   INTERMISSION - Coffee Break

12  Commitment to Councils - proposal for D.D's (Ex M)  Degree List for Eastern Ontario (English & French) - (see Bulletin sent out by Territory Warden)   Dates affecting Region in new Columbian year – discussion & possible dates attached ◦ District Deputy's meetings: 3 or 4 per year (August, September, January & June) ◦ September 25 th Installation of Officers – (can be done by Council or District) ◦ 1st Degrees – suggestion: 1 degree per month ◦ 2nd Degrees in District at least 2 per Columbian year ◦ 3rd Degree in District (can join another district) - maximum of 25 candidates ◦ October 26 th Archdiocesan Assoc. Meeting – St Martin de Porres (Richmond Rd) ◦ February 24 th - District BBFT Competition ◦ February 22 rd - Regional BBFT Competition – Run by Archdiocesan Association ◦ March 25 th - Archdiocesan Assoc. Meeting ◦ April 17 th - Archbishop’s Dinner ◦ April 25, 26, 27 th - State Convention (Doubletree Hotel - Toronto) - encourage GKs'  Recruitment (absolutely necessary) (Ex N) ◦ see memo from membership director - Council should prepare fully for these blitzes  October Blitz  March Blitz  have table & volunteers at all events during the year  Video from Gary Nolan

13  Visits to Councils ◦ How many visits will you have? ◦ Do you check minutes of Recorder and check the books of Treasurer? ◦ What should you say during D.D. report? ◦ How does a Council receive his District Deputy on his official visit?  First Degree Teams ◦ Formal team ◦ Council can read parts if need be (Ex O) ◦ DVD format  Tools for Executive Training within your Councils (Ex P)  District Operation Funds (levy for Councils) - You must account for money spent-Transparency (Ex Q)  Round Table (Discussions & Suggestions)  Closing Prayer

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