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Presentation on theme: "FINANCIAL STATUS 2014/15 AND BUDGET ALLOACATION 2015/16 PRESENTATION 03 MARCH 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Table of Contents 1.Purpose and Function 2.Budget vs. Programmes 3.Expenditure per Programme 4.Alignment of Budget to T/A Strategy

3 Purpose: To enable the implementation of PanSALB mandate through support on finances, budget and procurement of goods and services. Functions: Financial & Management Accounting Co-ordination of internal and external audit Reporting Purpose and Functions Finance and Budgets Services

4 Financial Planning, budgeting and reporting Allow PanSALB to plan the delivery of its key mandate efficiently and to also ensure that planning processes are integrated with government's overall strategies, and comply with National Treasury regulations. The process also provides assurance to the public that funds are spent purposefully and maintain accurate, complete and consistent accounting records to support performance measurement.

5 Expenditure/ accounts payables To maximize cash flow, comply and contain controls that will ensure that transactions are properly recorded and reported. Implementation of account payables systems and processes Creditors Payroll IRP5 Process Petty Cash process Bank Recon Travel Claims ( Advances) Operating lease and Finance lease Schedules

6 PanSALB FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR PAST FIVE YEARS DATEALLOCATIONEXPENDITUREVARIANCE 2009/201050521.0052274.00-1753.00 UN-QUALIFIED OPINION 2010/201153545.0061080.00-7535.00 UN-QUALIFIED OPINION 2011/201257962.0056081.001881.00Qualified opinion 2012/1371627.0076171.00-4544.00Qualified opinion 2013/1478180.0097972.00-19792.00Disclaimer opinion 2014/15 ( 31/1/15)83497.0070156.0013341.00 TOTAL395332.00413734.00-18402.00

7 Budget vs Expenditure report 2014/15 Total Budget Allocation (31 January 2015) Description Budget Expenditure Available Percentage Spent Current Payments 83 497 000.00 74 775 656.71 8 721 343.29 89.5% Compensation of Employees 60 720 000.0046 360 964.81 14 359 035.19 77% *Goods and Services22 777 000.0028 414 691.90 (5 637 691.90) ( 125%)

8 EXPENDITURE ORIGINAL BUGDET ADJUSTM ENTS CURRENT BUDGETPROJECTIONS TOTAL 1ST QUARTER2ND QUARTER3RD QUARTER4TH QUARTERPROJECTIONS Compensation60720 134321353216878 60720 Goods and Service22777 1153215094 56814 Capital Works Sub-Total Depreciation Total83497 249642862631972 117534 EXPENDITURE ORIGINAL BUGDET ADJUSTM ENTS CURRENT BUDGETPROJECTIONS TOTAL 1ST QUARTER2ND QUARTER 3RD QUARTER4TH QUARTERPROJECTIONS programme1/Administration34746 1349113479146241456656160 programme2/Language Development26325 922767997914 31854 programme3/Public Engagement22427 224683489463 29520 Total83498 24964286263200131943117534 EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME/PROJECT FOR QUARTER ENDED

9 CASH FLOW -BUDGET FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2014- PanSALB INCOME: Opening Balance 30/11/2014559 576.88 Grant Received 02/12/20146 958 000.00 Total7 517 576.88 EXPENDITURE: NLUS- Transfers-1 384 746.00 Rentals-Buildings403 025.89 Insurance25 085.67 Salaries (includes 42 employees ) - 1,811,404.215 047 579.81 Machine Rentals(copy & switsch)83 800.00 Tephone landlines35 000.00 Security7 200.00 Vodacom- cell phones92 717.36 BRD MEETING86 000.00 Bank charges2 000.00 AGSA349 000.00 ICT120 000.00 Telkom17 844.63 Total Expenditure7 653 999.36 Variance-162 470.65

10 CASH FLOW -BUDGET FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2015- PanSALB INCOME: Opening Balance 31/12/2014 533,528.71 Grant Received 06/01/20156,958,000.00 Total7,491,528.71 EXPENDITURE: NLUS- Transfers-1 384 746.00 Rentals-Buildings403 025.89 Insurance25 085.67 Salaries (excludes 44 employees ) - 1,811,404.213 236 175.60 Machine Rentals(copy & switch)83 800.00 Tephone landlines35 000.00 Security7 200.00 Vodacom- cell phones92 717.36 BRD MEETING86 000.00 Bank charges2 000.00 CQS LICENCE110 000.00 ICT120 000.00 Telkom17 844.63 Total Expenditure5 603 595.15 Variance1 887 933.56

11 ECONOMIC TOTAL GRANT RECEIVEDEXPENDITUREVARIATIONUSAGE-%REMAINING % CLASSIFICATIONR 11,090,059.90R5,234,195.78R5,855,641.1247%53% DESCRIPTIONBUDGETEXPENDITUREFUNDS REMAININGUSE %REMAINING % 1LOTTERY GRANT/FUND:10,000,000.004,544,468.585,455,531.4245%55% (I)Scholarship-Lotto5,000,000.002 511 282.032,488,717.9750% (II)Judiciary-Lotto2,500,000.00672 871.611,827,128.3927%73% (III)Publication house-Lotto2,500,000.001,360 314.941,114,359.6855%45% 2GAUTENG SPORTS940 059.90616,727.20323, 332.7066%34% 3FREE STATE DAC0.00 4MPUMALANGA DAC150,000.0073,000.0077,000.0048%52% CONDITIONAL GRANTS RECEIVED FOR 2014/2015

12 Proposed Budget 2015/16 (option A) Expenditure per Economic ClassificationOriginal BudgetExpenditure% SpentVariance REMARKS Compensation of employees41 960 083.310.00 41 960 083.31 48% Transfers to subsidiaries18 709 082.800.00 18 709 082.80 22% Goods and Services26 668 833.890.00 26 668 833.89 30% TOTAL ANNUAL ALLOCATION87 338 000.000.00 87 338 000.00 100% Budget vs Expenditure report

13 Pan South African Language Board Proposed Budget 2015/16 Original BudgetExpenditure% SpentVarianceREMARKS/EXPLANATION Option (b) 44 EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION65 328 244.000.00 65 328 244.00 75% employees COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 18 709 082.800.00 18 709 082.80 22% NLUs TRANSFERS TO SUBSIDIARIES 3 300 673.200.00 3 300 673.20 3% goods and services GOODS AND SERVICES 87 338 000.000.00 87 338 000.00100% TOTAL ANNUAL ALLOCATION 87,338,000.00 TOTAL ALLOCATION RECEIVED 2015/16

14 PROPOSED BUDGET ALLOCATION 2015/1687,338,000.0083,497,000.004,336,000.00 Business unit-Support Services: AdministrationOriginal BudgetOrinal BudgetDiff Increase Expendit ure% SpentVariance 2015/162014/152014/15vs 2015/162015/16 Office of the CEO:-SO11 100 000.000.00 #DIV/0!1 100 000.00 Programme-1 (Leadership) Strategic Management (staff costs, Technical Support & Projects)0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 Board meetings (six meetings)600 000.000.00 600 000.00 MANCO & EXCO meetings200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Projects (OFFICE OF THE CEO)-Coparation with other bodies200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Technical Support (OFFICE OF THE CEO) - logistics100 000.000.00 100 000.00 Facilities (staff costs,Technical support & Projects)0.00 Revenue Generation (staff costs, Technical Support & Projects)0.00 Monitoring and Evaluation (Staff costs, Technical Support & Projects)0.00 TOTAL1 100 000.000.00

15 Office of the CFO :-SO113 247 256.000.00 13 247 256.00 Programme-3 (Financial Services) Audit & Risk Committee meetings (4meet)120 000.000.00 120 000.00 Financial Management (Staff Costs,Technical Support & Projects)2 557 500.000.00 2 557 500.00 Supply Chain Management (Staff costs, overheads, Technical Support & Proj)10 689 756.000.00 10 689 756.00 Total Continuation from previous page

16 Corporate Services: -SO3,SO4 & SO54 734 000.000.00 4 734 000.00 Programme -2&5 (Corporate Service) Human Resources &Legal Management- SO3 (staff costs, Technical Support &Proj)1 966 000.000.00 1 966 000.00 Information Technology Management-SO4 (Staff costs, Technical Support & Proj)2 268 000.000.00 2 268 000.00 Stakeholder Mob/Communications & Marketing-SO5(staff costs,Technical support & Proj)500 000.000.00 500 000.00 Facilities (Staff Costs, Technical Support & Proj)0.00 0 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES19 081 256.000.00 0 19 081 256.00 Continuation from previous page

17 PROPOSED BUDGET 2015/16 Business unit- Languages :-SO2Original Budget Orinal Budget Dif Increase Expen diture% Spent Commit mentsVariance Public engagement Programme 4&5(Languages)2015/162014/15 2014/15vs 2015/162015/16 Provincial Language Committees (PLCs):2 270 000.000.00 2 270 000.00 Administration (Technical Support):0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 Board Committees100 000.000.00 100 000.00 Linguistic Human Rights-(Staff cost, Meetings & Projects)150 000.000.00 150 000.00 Status Language Planing-Staff costs,Meetings & Projects)150 000.000.00 150 000.00 Translation & Interpreting-(Staff costs,meetings & Projects)150 000.000.00 150 000.00 Language in Education-(staff costs,meeting & Projects)230 000.000.00 230 000.00 PLCs -Co-ordination (Staff costs,meeting & Projects)50 000.000.00 50 000.00 Total -H/O830 000.000.00 830 000.00 Provincial Language Committees Staff costs, meetings & Projects1 440 000.000.00 1 440 000.00 0.00

18 Eastern Cape (Staff costs, Meetings, overheads & Proj)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Free State (Staff costs, Meetings, overheads & Proj)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Gauteng (staff costs,Meetings, overheads & Proj )160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Kwazul Natal (Staff costs meetings, overheads and Projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Limpopo (Staff costs, meetings, overheads and projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Mpumalanga (staff costs, meetings, overheads and projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Northern Cape (staff costs, meetings, overheads and projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 North West (staff costs, meetings,oveheads and projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 Western Cape (staff costs, meetings, overheads and projects)160 000.000.00 160 000.00 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 Total Continued from previous page

19 Business Development/Core National Language Bodies (NLBs):3 990 000.000.00 3 990 000.00 Adiministration (Technical Support):500 000.000.00 500 000.00 Board Committees100 000.000.00 100 000.00 Litirature ( staff costs, meetings and projects)150 000.000.00 150 000.00 Standardization and Terminology (staff cost, meet,proj)200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Translation and Interpreting150 000.00 Research Development (Staff costs, meetings and projects)250 000.000.00 250 000.00 Total H/O1 350 000.000.00 1 200 000.00 National Language Bodies meetings & Projects2 640 000.000.00 2 640 000.00 Afrikaans200 000.000.00 200 000.00 English200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Isindebele200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Isixhosa200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Isizulu200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Khoi &San220 000.000.00 220 000.00 Sesotho200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Sepedi/Sesotho sa le boa200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Setswana200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Siswati200 000.000.00 200 000.00 SASL220 000.000.00 220 000.00 Tshivenda200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Xitsonga200 000.000.00 200 000.00 Total

20 National Lexicography Units (NLUs):19 606 660.690.00 19 606 660.69 Administration (Technical Support) - Projects:100 000.000.00 100 000.00 Audit Reliance AGSA-NLUs1 227 577.890.00 1 227 577.89 Total H/O1 327 577.890.00 1 327 577.89 Transfers-subsidiaries:18 279 082.800.00 18 279 082.80 Sepedi/ Sesotho sa le boa1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Tshivenda1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Xitsonga1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Sesotho1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Setswana1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Afrikaans1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 English1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 IsiXhosa1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 ISIZULU1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Siswati1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 Isindebele1 661 734.800.00 1 661 734.80 TOTAL Language Products and Services24 539 082.800.00



23 Savings 44 employees 23,190,000.00 Consultants 500,000.00 Cell Phones & Landlines 600,000.00 Contracts 0 Board meetings & staff traveling (Video conferencing) 0 Total 24 290,000.00

24 Thank You Ri a Livhuwa Realeboga Siyabonga Enkosi Baie Dankie Ha Kensa


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