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Top Recommendations GOES POES Services Frequencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Recommendations GOES POES Services Frequencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Recommendations GOES POES Services Frequencies

2 GOES §What are the options for countries/users that cannot update their system from GVAR to GRB? –Option 1: As a stopgap, use HRIT/EMWIN –Option 2: Use internet distribution (GAS) if your internet pipes can support –Option 3: GEONETcast §Data reduction – Can users get a smaller subset of the full stream GOES-R data stream –Subset by region –Explore data reduction options such as compression §Training – Identify resources and approaches to train international users –Provide translations of training material in other foreign language –Extend the proving ground concept to include foreign users –Participate in WMO conference in 2012 in Rio and extend outreach to RA III/IV/V §Antenna upgrades and equipment needs –Provide signal specification to users in 2012 –Provide notional geographic coverage maps/antenna size –Explore a prototype GVAR/GRB receiver – backward compatibility –Develop SW to unpack GRB feed for Direct Readout Users

3 POES Candidate LRD Content - Use the day and nighttime (Tom Schott) AVHRR baseline channels for LRD initial specifications - Conduct a final analysis of ideal channel combination for LRD LRD Downlink Frequency - Explore possibility of dropping center downlink (1707 MHz) frequency below 1690 MHz to avoid future interference with mobile cellular industry - In short-term move center downlink frequency below 1707 MHz to avoid current 4G interference HRD Processing Packages - Users prefer NOAA support IMAP vs. IPOPP software - Users need access to software and source code at NPP launch date - Users need consistency between local and global processing software - Users need user support for HRD processing software

4 Services DCS Transition Plan to new transmitters needs to be clearly defined and communicated to user communities. Look at updating the DCS stream into LRIT (with modern quality indicators [which are currently available in DCS system], reliable delivery mechanisms, latency, etc). Make the GERBER (plan for printing circuit boards) files available. If not by NOAA, who can make them available. Availability would be to general public.

5 NOAA to work with NTIA to advocate additional exclusion zones Current U.S. law and NTIA rules do not allow exclusion zones for non-U.S. government sites Compelling argument required L-Band user community should collaborate on innovative approaches Use of dispersed antennas -- “hot back-up” Antenna placement Government and intergovernmental bodies should facilitate NOAA, together with WMO and national meteorological organizations, should facilitate enhanced communication among L- Band user community Update, re-activate, and maintain WMO user data base Establish informal network, user forum, etc, for unconstrained user communication Frequencies

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