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Engineering 1020 Introduction to Programming Peter King Winter 2010.

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1 Engineering 1020 Introduction to Programming Peter King Winter 2010

2 ENGI 1020: Outline Lectures  Peter King (me)‏  IIC-2001  Mon, Wed and Fri, 1100-1150 Labs  M Raju Hossain  Sect 1 Tuesday, 900-1050  Sect 2 Tuesday, 1100-1250  Sect 3 Thursday, 900-1050  EN-3029-3000

3 ENGI 1020: Outline Help Centre  Wed 1400-1630  EN-3076 Office Hours  Thursdays 1100-1200 Or by appointment  Location TBD Course Website 

4 ENGI 1020: Outline Text  C++ Without Fear, Brian Overland, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-321-24695-0. Notes  Online notes created by MPBL Interactive online, as well as printable versions Notes WILL change over the course  Supplemented with lecture notes Will be made available on course website

5 ENGI 1020: Outline Lab Assignments  Availible online  1 pre-assignment  8 weekly assignments  Due 0859 on Following Monday Evaluation  Assignments (best 7) 12%  Midterm30%  Final58% You must pass the final or pass the final and midterm combined. Otherwise, assignments will not be counted and your mark will be the combination of the midterm and final in the above proportions. The Bottom Line: You must pass the exams to pass the course.

6 ENGI 1020: Outline Dates  MidtermFeb 17  FinalTBD  Winter BreakFeb 22 to Feb 25  Labs Assignment 0Jan 18 Assignment 1Jan 25 Assignment 2Feb 1 Assignment 3Feb 8 Assignment 4Feb 15 Assignment 5Mar 1 Assignment 6Mar 8 Assignment 7Mar 15 Assignment 8Mar 22

7 ENGI 1020: Introduction Why?  All engineers today will use computers in some way  Engineers are responsible for the output produced by the programs they use Can't blame the machine  It's likely that you will have to write some programs some time Believe it or not  Programming skills come up in other courses

8 ENGI 1020: Introduction Why?  Being able to program is a valuable job skill  Programming skills from this course can be applied to other areas Problem solving System approach  Fundamental ideas underpin our digital world Your world is filled with computers and software

9 ENGI 1020: The Basics The Computer *  input devices  output devices  Memory devices volatile memory (RAM) which loses data when the power is off non-volatile memory (disks of various kinds) which hold data when power is off.  The CPU (Central Processing Unit)  The Data Bus

10 ENGI 1020: The Basics Terms  Read  Write  Data Computers process in sequence  Instructions and data are read from memory  Data is processed by CPU  Results are written back to memory

11 ENGI 1020: The Basics Programs are sets of instructions used to accomplish some task  Calculating interest  Flying airplanes  Streaming videos Programs are stored in memory just like data  They are fetched and executed by the CPU Or CPUs, but we won't worry about that for now

12 ENGI 1020: Next Time... Complexity Structure Organization How Engineers and computers solve problems

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