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 Born in Honesdale, PA on August 6, 1886  Home schooled to the equivalent of a high school dipoloma  Received a B.S. from Columbia University in 1920.

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Presentation on theme: " Born in Honesdale, PA on August 6, 1886  Home schooled to the equivalent of a high school dipoloma  Received a B.S. from Columbia University in 1920."— Presentation transcript:


2  Born in Honesdale, PA on August 6, 1886  Home schooled to the equivalent of a high school dipoloma  Received a B.S. from Columbia University in 1920  Received a M.A. from Columbia University in 1921  Received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1924

3  Assisted Lewis M. Terman in the initial phase of his studies of gifted children  Became Chief Psychologist of the Minneapolis Child Guidance Clinic in 1924  In 1925 became an assistant professor at the Institute of Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota

4  Focused on the measurement of the intelligence of children  Specifically focused on the drawings of children to measure intelligence  Wrote guidelines for parents on the treatment of gifted and challenged children  Stressed the importance of good social relations for gifted children and confidence for challenged children

5  Originally the Goodenough Draw-A-Man test, expanded by Dale Harris and now referred to as the Draw-A-Person test  Awards a point for features present then moves to measuring details of features  Gives a raw score which can be converted into a standard score and then a percentile  Scales account for differences between males and females as well as different ages

6  Allows for the testing of intellectual maturity in children who are not able to read  Not based on artistic ability  Children draw what they know, not what they see  “The relationships to be observed are of two kinds, quantitative and spatial.”

7  Children are generally familiar with the subject  Ideal to ensure consistent scoring  Able to test for both simple and complicated elements  Later expanded by Dale Harris to include a Draw-A-Woman section

8  Exceptional Children- Children who display extraordinarily high mental capabilities for their age group  Challenged Children- Children who require special attention in order to academically compete with their peers  Intellectual maturity- the intellectual level of a child; different from behavioral maturity  IQ- intelligence quotient; an intelligence test score given to determine intellectual development  Right-brain dominant- usually exhibited by left handed individuals; individuals are usually gifted in creative aspects  Left-brain dominant- usually exhibited by right handed individuals; individuals are usually gifted in concrete subjects such as math and science

9  The higher creativity of left handed children indicates a higher level of intellectual maturity and will thus translate to higher scores than right handed children  Children who are younger for their grade will score higher than older children  No difference in birth order

10  Three 1 st grade classes at Jenks East Elementary in Tulsa, OK  Gave children a sheet to fill out  Asked them to draw a man on the back using a pencil  Collected data on handedness, birth order and age

11  Mixed races  20 females, 22 males  33 right handed, 8 left handed  16 6-year olds, 26 7-year olds  22 youngest, 4 middle, 11 oldest, 4 only children

12  Highest female scored  Raw Score: 29  Standard Score: 123  Percentile:94  Age: 6  Right handed  Birth Order: Only

13  2 nd highest female scored  Raw Score: 30  Standard Score: 114  Percentile: 82  Only child to draw a profile  Age: 7  Right handed  Birth Order: Oldest

14  Highest male scored  Raw Score: 27  Standard Score: 123  Percentile: 94  Age: 6  Right handed  Birth Order: Middle

15  2 nd highest male scored  Raw Score: 28  Standard Score: 112  Percentile: 79  Age: 7  Right handed  Birth Order: Oldest

16  Lowest female scored  Raw Score: 11  Standard Score: 77  Percentile: 6  Age: 6  Right handed  Birth Order: Youngest

17  Lowest male scored  Raw Score: 7  Standard Score: 70  Percentile: 2  Age: 6  Right handed  Birth Order: Youngest




21  The left handed children did score higher than the right handed children and therefore show a higher level of intellectual development  Children who are younger for their grade scored higher than those who were older  Only Children and middle children scored the highest for birth order

22  The teachers rushed the children due to planned activities  Some children drew only faces, not the entire man  Some children did not completely fill out the form I gave them  “Draw a man with a pencil”

23 NatureNurture Rousseau Locke Goodenough Vygotsky Gesell


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