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By: Rohan Bhatia and Rahul Swaminathan.  To foster economic growth and stability through trade  To grant economic opportunities and cope with economic.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Rohan Bhatia and Rahul Swaminathan.  To foster economic growth and stability through trade  To grant economic opportunities and cope with economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Rohan Bhatia and Rahul Swaminathan

2  To foster economic growth and stability through trade  To grant economic opportunities and cope with economic challenges  To maintain orderly exchange rates

3  Gives Policy advice  Administers loans  Provides technical aid

4  Created 60 years ago  Meant to build economic framework  Broader scale  Recently has increased its lending power and flexibility

5  Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund  1944/1945  Lays out the purposes and operating guidelines of the IMF

6  1). International Monetary and Financial Committee  2). Board of Governors  3). Joint IMF- World Bank Development Committee  4). Executive Board  5). Independent Evaluation Office  6). Managing Director

7 A). Board of Governors  Highest decision-making body  One governor and one alternate governor for each member country  Has final say  Meets once a year  All members are appointed

8 B). Executive Board  Conduct day to day affairs  24 elected/appointed officials

9 C). Independent Evaluation Office  Conducts objective evaluation of policy  Promotes the learning culture in the IMF

10  A last resort assurance and lender  Provides necessary objective help  External point of view

11  Assumes that one solution always applies  Lessens social services

12  Promotes the Dependency Theory  Induces moral hazard

13  Good governance: the imf. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar 2012.. International monetary fund: About the imf. N.p., 2010. Web. 26 Mar 2012.. "The Origins of the IMF and World Bank." Global Exchange. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar 2012.. ex.htm

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