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Alphabet Agencies The New Deal greatly increased the activity of the federal government in people’s lives. Before 1930s the government’s many interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Alphabet Agencies The New Deal greatly increased the activity of the federal government in people’s lives. Before 1930s the government’s many interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alphabet Agencies The New Deal greatly increased the activity of the federal government in people’s lives. Before 1930s the government’s many interaction with people was to collect taxes, printed money and set up courts. With the New Deal came the creation Alphabet Agencies the of the Alphabet Agencies to deal with the many problems faced by the nation as a result of the depression. They were often known as the Alphabet Agencies because people called these Organizations by their initials. **What these do you call by its initials Instead of the full name?

2 Alphabet Agencies Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA): Gave funds to state and local agencies for distribution directly to unemployed people. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): Provided outdoor employment for young men while helping to preserve the nation’s resources. Nearly 50,000 Texans participated in the CCC. Living in camps workers: 1.Planted trees 2.Built erosion control structures 3.Helped conserve natural resources a. Garner, Bastrop and Palo Duro state parks, which are still in use today! 4. They were paid $30 a MONTH and were to send $25 of that home to their families

3 Alphabet Agencies National Youth Administration (NYA): Hired High school and college students to perform clerical and maintenance jobs. Students would: 1.Work at school 2.Work on playgrounds 3.Help build roadside parks 4.Spread gravel on highway shoulders Head of the NYA in Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson Public Works Administration (PWA): 1.Built bridges 2.Built dams 3.Schools 4.Other structures of permanent value to the state

4 Alphabet Agencies Works Progress Administration (WPA): Hired 600,000 Texans who built: 1.Swimming pools 2.Recreation centers 3.Stadiums 4.Parks Others: 1.Artists to paint murals 2.Theater and musical groups were hired to provide entertainment in several Texas cites. 3.Historians were given jobs writing community histories. What Agency could the government create today that would be helpful for our society?

5 Alphabet Agencies Each Member In your group create an Agency that would be useful in our society today. Each Member will make a poster and write a paragraph that advertises your Agency to present to the class. Your group creates the agency together, but your posters and paragraphs can all vary depending on your personal style and outlook on your agency. The whole group will present together; sharing all posters and the main idea of the agency. Your Poster Must 1.The Name of the Agency 2.Slogan for your agency 3.Illustrate what kind of work will be done 4.Be colored and fine lined 5.Your name on the back Your Paragraph Must 1.Tell what your agency will be used for 2.The good that will come from this agency 3.Who can join this agency 4.Where do you sign up for this agency 5.If the workers get paid or not 6.If there is travel involved 7.Any other information that people should know before signing up

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