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Nomadic Herding AN INTRODUCTION.

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1 Nomadic Herding AN INTRODUCTION

2 Pastoral Nomadism Where is this activity found in the world? Arid and semiarid, N Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Mongolia ~20% of world’s land area; ~15 million people Northern Africa

3 Characteristics of Nomadic Herders
Eat mostly grains, not tons meat (more grain as % of diet) Cultivate crops in a variety of ways (trade, leave some behind to cultivate crops, sow in flooded areas and return later, sedentary/nomadic based on rainfall) Size of herd equates prestige; territoriality respected

4 Animals Herded Different animals in different climates and with different cultures Camel, sheep and goats (N Africa/ME) Horse (C Asia/Mongolia)

5 How do Nomads know where to go?
Territory traveled is precise, respected by other nomadic tribes Migratory patterns are based on intimate knowledge of land and rainfall patterns (can also be influenced by political situations)

6 The Future of Pastoral Nomads?
Nomads are no longer the most important conveyors of goods/info; being replaced with technology Forced resettlement efforts in China, C Asia, Middle East to use land for other purposes (mining, oil, irrigated farmland) Climate Change? NAT GEO

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