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Civil War Tactics Between the North and South. Union Tactics Union Tactics The Union had one goal, which was to compel the confederate states to rejoin.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Tactics Between the North and South. Union Tactics Union Tactics The Union had one goal, which was to compel the confederate states to rejoin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Tactics Between the North and South

2 Union Tactics Union Tactics The Union had one goal, which was to compel the confederate states to rejoin the union. The Union had one goal, which was to compel the confederate states to rejoin the union. In order to accomplish this, the union had to invade the south, destroy the south’s ability to wage war, and lower morale of the south so the south would no longer fight. In order to accomplish this, the union had to invade the south, destroy the south’s ability to wage war, and lower morale of the south so the south would no longer fight.

3 The Anaconda Plan The union then organized the Anaconda Plan. The union then organized the Anaconda Plan. The strategy was to squeeze the south by applying a naval blockade around the southern coast. The strategy was to squeeze the south by applying a naval blockade around the southern coast. In addition, the North would seize the Mississippi River to divide the western confederate states from the eastern confederate states. In addition, the North would seize the Mississippi River to divide the western confederate states from the eastern confederate states. The Union The Union

4 Confederate Tactics  The main goal of the Confederates was to tire down the Union as they had done in the Revolutionary War.  The Confederates had a major advantage because they were fighting a defensive war on their own terrain.  The confederates were also motivated to fight because they were fighting for their sovereign rights and also to protect their families.  The rights that they were mainly fighting for was the right to own slaves.

5 General Robert E. Lee He was extremely educated. He was extremely educated. He received his education in Westpoint in 1825 where he graduated in 1825. He received his education in Westpoint in 1825 where he graduated in 1825. He never hesitated to take grave risks no matter how many deaths it caused. He never hesitated to take grave risks no matter how many deaths it caused. He never had enough supplies. He never had enough supplies.

6 Pictures of the confederate general

7 Ulysess S. Grant He had many soldiers at his will. He had many soldiers at his will. He had many advantages against the confederates, such as being able to invade the south. He had many advantages against the confederates, such as being able to invade the south. He was not on his own territory. He was not on his own territory. He was not as experienced as Lee in many ways. He was not as experienced as Lee in many ways.


9 Major Battles FORT SUMTER-Was on of the first battles of the Civil War, it was also a defensive battle fought in the harbor of Charleston. FORT SUMTER-Was on of the first battles of the Civil War, it was also a defensive battle fought in the harbor of Charleston. Battle of Rich Mountain-Confederates permanently tried to occupy the county of south Baltimore. Battle of Rich Mountain-Confederates permanently tried to occupy the county of south Baltimore. Battle of Harper’s Ferry-Was fought in Jefferson county 49 miles northwest of Washington. Battle of Harper’s Ferry-Was fought in Jefferson county 49 miles northwest of Washington. Battle of Shiloh-Was after the capture of Fort Delson in 1862. It was also the bloodiest battle during the Civil War. Battle of Shiloh-Was after the capture of Fort Delson in 1862. It was also the bloodiest battle during the Civil War. Battle of New Orleans-Was an attempt to control the lower part of Mississippi and Texas. Battle of New Orleans-Was an attempt to control the lower part of Mississippi and Texas.

10 Outcome for the Confederates  In the end they lost, but put up a good fight overall, with a lack of soldiers and supplies they did well.  They joined the Union in the end, but they did not have many options.

11 Outcome for the Union The Union won in the end with many more soldiers and supplies they beat the Confederates. The Union won in the end with many more soldiers and supplies they beat the Confederates. They made the Confederates join them in the end. They made the Confederates join them in the end.

12 Overall outcome of the Civil War The Civil War was one of the only Wars fought on U.S. soil, and put and end to slavery overall. The Civil War was one of the only Wars fought on U.S. soil, and put and end to slavery overall.

13 Sources Pics for Grant- Pics for Grant- Pics for Lee- Pics for Lee- Information-, Information-,


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