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 Professional development  Personal development  Increased knowledge  Increased understanding  Comparative perspectives………….  …………

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2  Professional development  Personal development  Increased knowledge  Increased understanding  Comparative perspectives………….  …………

3  YOUR MA  Independent study  Deepened analysis compared to BA  Critical thinking  Reading  Sharing knowledge and experience

4  Search for your own material in addition to course literature  Tutors are guides – they are not always right!  Multiple perspectives and theoretical reasoning are important – be creative  Inject your thinking

5  There is group work  You are a group and a long way from home – support each other  Use tutors if you have problems  Remember also that everyone can get an A and everyone can fail – it is not competitive

6  You may well notice differences in marking styles across the three countries  It is not easier in some, but some have different marking traditions  Work is marked across the consortium

7  What have I learnt from this reading/lecture/experience/ observation ?  How does it add to my knowledge and understanding of the topic ?  Have I learnt something new ?  Do I agree with what I have learnt ? If not -why ? If so - why ?  How do I intend to use what I have learnt ?  How will I use what I have learnt in my assignments/professional practice ?  What does it all mean?  Critical reading and assessing the ‘state of knowledge’ is crucial.

8  How have my ideas about the topic changed and developed and how am I going to demonstrate this in my practice ?  What have I learnt from the process of critical reflection itself and how will this impact on my practice in the future ?  What have I learnt from the study processes and how will this impact on my practice in future ?  What more do I need to find out/investigate/research about the topic ?  What do I want to share with my colleagues ?  How have I changed personally as a result of the study process ?

9  This is my opportunity to develop my work to Masters level  It is a full time programme of study and which requires that I work hard for the whole year if I am to be successful  Lectures and tutor support are provided to generate ideas; to stimulate my thinking and professional development; to provide guidance that I am working at masters level  I will need to work/research/investigate independently and with peer study groups for a great deal of the time

10  The programme of study deals generically with Human Rights Policy and Practice but I will be able to investigate my own particular interests and topics related to these in my assignments and research.  The aim of the comparative perspectives of the programme is to enable me to view my own practice through a ‘fresh pair of eyes’  My own professional development and practice are the focus of the programme

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