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Cattle Car Activity Written Response. Instructions When the two writing prompts appear on the next slide, please write a one paragraph response to each.

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Presentation on theme: "Cattle Car Activity Written Response. Instructions When the two writing prompts appear on the next slide, please write a one paragraph response to each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cattle Car Activity Written Response

2 Instructions When the two writing prompts appear on the next slide, please write a one paragraph response to each prompt. For each prompt, there is more than one question—all are intended to make you think about a certain issue. You do not need to respond to each question individually, simply respond to whatever issue strikes you most strongly.

3 Reminder: one paragraph per prompt What do you think it would feel like to be trapped in a cattle car for four days? What would be running through your head on the first day? The fourth day? Be specific! Imagine that someone in the cattle car begins to go crazy, shouting and screaming that you are all going to die. What do you think you would do? Why would you take that course of action? Defend your decision, whatever it is.

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