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CNWL people Focus on workforce HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "CNWL people Focus on workforce HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNWL people Focus on workforce HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance

2 We employ 6370 staff 5493 wte 76% are female 24% male 69% full time 31% part time HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance Our people........

3 Key performance indicators Vacancy rate16% Agency spend per month£2.5million Bank spend per month£1.2 million Turnover19% Sickness absence3.5% Mandatory training88% Appraisals89% Staff engagement in best 20% of Trusts Staff FFT68% recommend CNWL for treatment 52% recommend as place to work HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance

4 improve bank pay rates and scope one off incentive payments to attract staff ( Band 5 nurses) streamline process and develop recruitment plans offer rotational opportunities review profile and benefits package review skill mix create more Associate Practitioner/Physicians Associate roles focus on staff health and wellbeing explore accommodation opportunities Our strategy: Recruitment, Retention, Redesign HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance

5 Issues for discussion:- a ) What else could we do to attract staff to work at CNWL? b) What ideas do you have to motivate and retain staff? HR: Developing Talent, Leadership and Performance

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