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Ancient Indian Civilizations

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1 Ancient Indian Civilizations
CHAPTER 3 Ancient Indian Civilizations Section 1: Indus River Valley Civilizations Section 2: Indo-Aryan Migrants Section 3: Hinduism and Buddhism Section 4: Ancient Indian Dynasties and Empires Section 5: Ancient Indian Life and Culture

2 SECTION 2 Indo-Aryan Migrants Question: What were some of the governmental, social, and economic characteristics of Indo-Aryan society?

3 Characteristics of Indo-Aryan Society
SECTION 2 Indo-Aryan Migrants Characteristics of Indo-Aryan Society Government Social Life Economy • tribes formed small city-states • complex system of social orders • mostly farmers • wheat and barley major crops • elaborate rules governed marriage among the different orders • each state ruled by raja and his council • poor transportation and trading methods sometimes limited trade • parent-arranged marriage favored • marriage by purchase, by capture, and by mutual consent recognized • system of barter for goods

4 Question: How were the classes categorized and ranked in early India?
SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Hinduism and Buddhism Question: How were the classes categorized and ranked in early India?

5 Class System in Early India
SECTION 3 Israel and the Occupied Territories Hinduism and Buddhism Class System in Early India Upper Class Middle Class Lower Class Brahmins: priests, scholars rulers, warriors merchants, traders, farmers peasants bound to the land Pariahs: untouchables

6 SECTION 4 Ancient Indian Dynasties and Empires Question: What were the accomplishments of the Mauryan and Gupta rulers in ancient India?

7 Mauryan and Gupta Rulers
SECTION 4 Ancient Indian Dynasties and Empires Mauryan and Gupta Rulers Mauryan Gupta Examples:  made Patalipura into a beautiful city  united northern India Chandragupta Maurya  enlarged empire to include all but the southern tip of India  converted to Buddhism As’oka  favored Hinduism  society and the arts prospered Chandra Gupta II last Gupta ruler empire was weakened under his rule Skanda Gupta

8 Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 3
1. How did the physical geography and climate of the Indian subcontinent help lead to the development of a unique civilization? 2. What were the particular scientific and technological achievements of ancient Indian civilization? 3. In what ways did Hinduism and Buddhism influence daily life in ancient India?

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