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Improving Structural Testing of Object-Oriented Programs via Integrating Evolutionary Testing and Symbolic Execution Kobi Inkumsah Tao Xie Dept. of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Structural Testing of Object-Oriented Programs via Integrating Evolutionary Testing and Symbolic Execution Kobi Inkumsah Tao Xie Dept. of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Structural Testing of Object-Oriented Programs via Integrating Evolutionary Testing and Symbolic Execution Kobi Inkumsah Tao Xie Dept. of Computer Science North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

2 2 Motivation Generating OO unit tests involves two tasks: Task 1: generating relevant method sequences Task 2: generating relevant method arguments Symbolic execution good at Task 2 but not Task 1 bounded exhaustive sequence but low bound Evolutionary testing good at Task 1 but not Task 2 concrete values can be evolved but largely random Contribution: Integrating the two techniques to address their respective weaknesses

3 3 Evolutionary Testing – Chromosome Encode a method sequence with argument values as a chromosome : E.g., eToc [Tonella 04] Method sequenceMethod arguments

4 Evolutionary Testing - Algorithm 1. Start with random population of chromosomes 2. Evolve population towards optimal solution by recombination and mutation P ← generateRandomPopulation() while P is not optimal CS ← evaluateFitness(chromosomes[ P ]) P´ ← performCrossOverOnPairsOf(CS) P ← mutate( P´ ) end while E.g., eToc [Tonella 04]

5 5 Fitness Calculation public void withdraw(double amount) { L1 if (amount > balance) { L2 printError(); L3 return; } L4 if (numberOfWithdrawals >= 10) L5 if (amount > 500.00) { L6 printError(); L7 return;} L8 dispence(amount); L9 balance -= amount; L10 numberOfWithdrawals++; } Target eToc [Tonella 04]

6 6 Re-combination eToc [Tonella 04]

7 7 Re-combination eToc [Tonella 04]

8 8 Re-combination

9 9 Mutation 80.00 randomly mutated to

10 Evolutionary Testing - Summary + Method sequences are evolved guided by fitness - Method arguments are largely randomly picked

11 11 Dynamic Symbolic Execution amount: 20.0 Also called concolic testing Ex. DART, jCUTE, Pex

12 12 Dynamic Symbolic Execution amount > 1.0 Also called concolic testing Ex. DART, jCUTE, Pex amount: 20.0

13 13 Dynamic Symbolic Execution Also called concolic testing Ex. DART, jCUTE, Pex amount: 20.0

14 14 Dynamic Symbolic Execution Also called concolic testing Ex. DART, jCUTE, Pex amount: 20.0

15 15 Dynamic Symbolic Execution Negates amount > 1.0 new constraint: amount <= 1.0 new value: amount: 1.0 Also called concolic testing Ex. DART, jCUTE, Pex amount: 20.0 (1.00);

16 Evolutionary Testing - Summary + Method sequences are evolved guided by fitness - Method arguments are largely randomly picked + Method arguments are solved - Method sequences are fixed (or bounded)

17 17 Evacon Not that good at argument generation Not that good at sequence generation

18 18 Argument Transformation Transform primitive arguments of method sequences (produced by evolutionary testing) into symbolic arguments. Benefits: Allow a symbolic execution tester (e.g., jCUTE) to do concrete and symbolic execution Transform any JUnit method sequence into a symbolic test driver.

19 19 Argument Transformation - Example Sym exe test generation

20 20 Evacon Not that good at argument generation Not that good at sequence generation

21 21 Chromosome Construction Construct chromosomes out of method sequences generated using symbolic execution Evolutionary test generation

22 22 Evacon - Summary Not that good at argument generation Not that good at sequence generation

23 23 Evaluation We compare Evacon’s achieved branch coverage with four publicly available test generation tools:  eToc [Tonella 04] alone  jCUTE [Sen&Agha 06] alone  JUnit Factory[Agitar Labs 07]  Randoop [Pacheco&Ernst 07]

24 24 Experimental Subjects

25 25 Branch Coverage Evacon-A achieves the highest branch coverage for 10 out of 13 subjects The best branch coverage can be achieved by tool combination for 8 out of 13 subjects

26 26 Required Length of Method Sequences The length of the longest method sequence generated by Evacon-A or Randoop that achieves new branch coverage - The required length reaches up to 23 - Bounded exhaustive testing may not be feasible

27 Branch Ranking What does branch coverage of two tools: 85% > 75% tell? Tool with 75% may be better at covering those difficult- to-cover branches when used in tool combination Need take into account difficulties of branches being covered (esp. using tools in combination) Proposed metric: #branches categorized into: Branch-1: covered by only 1 tool under comparison … Branch-n: covered by only n tools under comparison Covering more branches in Branch-1 means uniquely covering more branches not being covered by the other tools under comparison

28 Branch Ranking Evacon-A is best in terms of uniquely covering branches in Branch-1 Using Evacon-A + JUnit Factory is the best choice if only two tools are to be used (not necessarily Evacon-A + Randoop!) #Covered Branches/#Branches in category Branch-n

29 29 Conclusion A new integration of evolutionary testing and symbolic execution to achieve two tasks of OO test generation An empirical comparison of our integration with state-of- the-art representative testing tools A detailed comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of tools w.r.t achieving high structural coverage (e.g., branch ranking)

30 THANK YOU! Questions?

31 31 Experiments We applied two types of Evacon integrations:  Evacon-A and Evacon-B We measure branch coverage achieved by the tests generated by all six tools within the same period of runtime, except for JUnit Factory For remaining tools we use Evacon-A’s runtime as the common runtime

32 32 Coverage Subsumption Branch coverage of Evacon-A subsumed:  Evacon-B (in 12 of 13 PsUT)  eToc (in 7 of 13 PsUT)  jCUTE (in 3 of 13 PsUT)  JUnit Factory (in 1 of 13 PsUT)  Randoop (in 4 of the 13 PsUT) Branch coverage of Randoop subsumed :  Evacon-A (in 1 of 13 PsUT) Overall, branch coverage of Evacon-A + branch coverage of JUnit Factory subsumed branch coverage achieved by all tools in 5 of 13 PsUT

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