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ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding.

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Presentation on theme: "ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding

2 Overview Introduction Motivation Augmented Reality Challenges ARigami Demonstration ARigami

3 Introduction Team guides: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developers: Veronika Ansorge, Rubén Guerra, Sarah Bludau, Florian Windolf ARigami

4 Motivation Develop solution to instruct and support workers in folding packages ARigami

5 Augmented Reality Linking digital information to our daily environment ARigami

6 Challenges Choice of Tools How to show information? How to recognize different states?  ARigami ARigami

7 ARigami – A Folding Application A unity-based application ARigami Folding instruction: 3D-Animation designed by 3ds-Max Recognition: Is the specific marker visible

8 Demonstration ARigami


10 Thank you for your attention! And a special thanks to OCÉ for that great experience! ARigami

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