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Classical Conditioning A learning procedure in which subjects make associations between a natural stimulus and a neutral stimulus Ivan Pavlov Tuning fork/salivation.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Conditioning A learning procedure in which subjects make associations between a natural stimulus and a neutral stimulus Ivan Pavlov Tuning fork/salivation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Conditioning A learning procedure in which subjects make associations between a natural stimulus and a neutral stimulus Ivan Pavlov Tuning fork/salivation

2 The Experiment A neutral stimulus can replace a natural stimulus if it’s presented just before that stimulus Food = unconditioned stimulus (US) Salivation = unconditioned response (UR)

3 Other Terms Conditioned stimulus (CS) = tuning fork Salivation = conditioned response (CR) Conditioned responses are learned, not natural or reflexive

4 Classical Conditioning




8 Principles of Classical Conditioning Acquisition of a conditioned response occurs gradually Timing is very important The intensity of the US

9 Generalization Occurs when a subject responds to a second stimulus similar to the original (CS) without any conditioning

10 Discrimination The ability to respond differently to different stimuli Generalization and discrimination are each a part of everyday life

11 Extinction The gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of a conditioned response The response disappears but is not forgotten (spontaneous recovery) Reconditioning

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