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Treating Phobias CP Psychology Mrs. Bradley Four General Types of Phobias Animal – snakes, spiders, dogs, lions,tigers,bears Natural environment – water,

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Presentation on theme: "Treating Phobias CP Psychology Mrs. Bradley Four General Types of Phobias Animal – snakes, spiders, dogs, lions,tigers,bears Natural environment – water,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Treating Phobias CP Psychology Mrs. Bradley

3 Four General Types of Phobias Animal – snakes, spiders, dogs, lions,tigers,bears Natural environment – water, the dark, heights, storms Situational – elevators, flying, driving over bridges, going to dentist, tunnels Blood-Injection- Injury – fear of shots, blood, injury, certain medical procedures

4 Other phobias that cannot be easily categorized Fear of clowns, fear of cancer, fear of falling into a sinkhole, fear of midgets, fear of choking, etc.

5 Common phobia symptoms Shortness of breath Feeling of being smothered Palpitations, heart-racing Chest pain or discomfort Trembling or shaking Sweating Nausea Feat of fainting

6 Social phobia Social anxiety disorder Fear of social situations, excessively self-conscious. Fear of public speaking – very common Fear of being called on in class Fear of strangers Fear of eating or drinking in public

7 More symptoms… Fear of losing control Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself Hot or cold flashes Fear of dying Numbness or tingling sensations

8 Should I get help? YES --- if your phobia impacts your life. – It causes intense and disabling fear, anxiety, and panic. – You recognize that your fear is excessive and unreasonable. – Your avoid certain situations and places because of your phobia. – Your avoidance interferes with your normal routine. – You’ve had the phobia for at least 6 months.

9 DON’T GET HELP…. If your phobia doesn’t interfere with your life.

10 Exposure Therapy Also known as systematic desensitization You are exposed in a safe and controlled way to the object or situation you fear. Gradual encounters – First in imagination – Then in reality

11 You have a phobia about…

12 You have a phobia about dogs.. Step 1 – draw a dog Step 2 – read about dogs Step 3 – Look at photos of dogs Step 4 – Look at videos of dogs Step 5 – Look at dogs through a closed window Step 6 – Look at dogs through a partly-opened window

13 Keep going… you’re doing fine! Step 7 – Look at dogs from a doorway. Step 8 – Move further out from the doorway. Step 9 -- Have a helper bring a dog into a nearby room (on a leash). Step 10 – Have the helper bring the dog into the same room, still on a leash.

14 Does exposure therapy remind you of anything?

15 Dr. Leo Marvin’s Baby Steps

16 Other good ideas… Learn about phobias Challenge negative thoughts – I see many people love dogs. – I see many dogs seem friendly. -- What would I say to someone who has this fear? Learn Relaxation techniques.

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