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Anxiety Disorders Abnormal Psychology. DFNs Anxiety- apprehension about future unpredictable dangers, w/ somatic sxs Worry- cognitive rehearsal, apprehensive.

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety Disorders Abnormal Psychology. DFNs Anxiety- apprehension about future unpredictable dangers, w/ somatic sxs Worry- cognitive rehearsal, apprehensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety Disorders Abnormal Psychology

2 DFNs Anxiety- apprehension about future unpredictable dangers, w/ somatic sxs Worry- cognitive rehearsal, apprehensive expectation _______- response to immediate threat, w/ somatic sxs

3 Anxiety expressed 3 ways: ___________________ Physiological - increased arousal Behavioral - avoidance

4 Specific Phobia: Major Criteria Excessive fear of object or situation Exposure causes anxiety Fear recognized as excessive Object is avoided or endured w/ distress Impairment or subjective distress

5 ACQUISITION / ETIOLOGY Behavioral Theory: Conditioning Two-factor theory Classical -- Based on ______________ Negative event/trauma- feared stimulus becomes paired with a fear response Operant – Based on _______________ Negative reinforcement

6 Two-factor theory - Problems Some people without direct personal experiences have anxiety disorders –Vicarious experience –____________________ Some people with traumatic experiences _____________ anxiety disorders –Temperament –_________________

7 Seems to be a pattern to the feared stimuli –Biological “preparedness” –Acquisition “rules”

8 MAINTENANCE Behavior: Avoidance Cognitions: _________________ –Attending to negative stimuli –Believing that negative events will occur again

9 Maintenance Mechanisms Beliefs not disconfirmed _____________________

10 Examples of Complexity Reinstatement ___________ Overgeneralization Inhibitors

11 Anxiety Disorders Specific Phobias Social Phobia Generalized Anxiety Disorder _______________ Agoraphobia Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Acute Stress Disorder

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