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Infectious Diseases Johanna Adderly Shena Wright Ayana Rhoden Disease Prevention Chapter 28 Lesson 3 9 th Grade Level.

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2 Infectious Diseases Johanna Adderly Shena Wright Ayana Rhoden Disease Prevention Chapter 28 Lesson 3 9 th Grade Level

3 Infectious Disease – Section1: –What causes Infectious Disease? – Section2: –Prevention of Infectious Disease


5 What causes infectious disease? – What are infectious disease? – Different types of Infectious disease – How is it transmitted? – Common infectious Disease

6 What are Infectious Diseases? A disease resulting from the presence and activity of a pathogenic microbial Agent.

7 Different types of infectious Disease Bacteria Viruses Rickettsias Protozoans Fungi

8 Bacteria – Single cell microorganism – Can live anywhere – Some bacteria are good for our bodies – Some are poisonous to the human body

9 Viruses – Smallest know infectious agent – Nonliving – Needs a host to survive – Enters body and makes copies of itself

10 Protozoans – Single cell organism – Larger than Bacteria – Most are harmless – Thirty different types can cause diseases – Happens where there is poor sanitation

11 Fungi – Simple organism – Unable to produce their own food – Usually eat dead animals, insects, and leaves – Like in damp and dark surroundings

12 How are infectious diseases transmitted? – Two modes of Transmission –Direct Contact –Indirect Contact

13 Direct Contact Person to person – Kissing – Exchange of body fluids Animal to person – Being bitten – Handling pet waste

14 Direct Contact – Mother to child Breast Feeding Mother to unborn child (ex:umbilical cord)

15 Indirect Contact – Droplets and Airborne Particles –Coughing –Sneezing – Vectors and Vehicles –Bites and Stings –Food Contamination

16 Common Infectious Diseases Respiratory Infections Infection of the Nervous System

17 Respiratory Infection Common Cold Influenza Tuberculosis

18 Infection of the Nervous System Encephalitis Meningitis Poliomyelitis Measles Hepatitis


20 Prevention of Infectious Disease Five Modes of Prevention Proper Method of Hand washing Attitudes towards Making a lifestyle Change

21 Five Modes of Prevention Immunization Antibiotics Food Preparation Practicing Safe Sex Hand Washing

22 Immunization Two Types of Immunization – Passive Immunization –short term affect –Blood contains antibodies

23 Immunization Active Immunization (Vaccination) Vaccine provide immunity Immediately effective Last a long time

24 Antibiotics – Take what is prescribed TO YOU ONLY! – Take them as directed – Don’t stop taking them

25 Food Preparation Do’s – Refrigerate food purchased – Wash raw fruits and vegetables – Cook poultry and meat thoroughly – Keep seafood, poultry, and egg separate from fruits

26 Food Preparation DON’T – Eat raw eggs – Leave leftovers out for more than 2 hrs

27 Practice Safe Sex Abstinence Using Protection Getting Tested

28 Hand Washing Video

29 Facts About Hand Washing America aren't washing your hands often enough According to CDC, hand washing is most important thing you can do to prevent infectious diseases America has received a “C” for hand washing

30 Facts About Hand Washing Con’t 43% says they don’t wash after sneezing or coughing 32% fail to wash before lunch 54% don’t wash for 20 seconds

31 Statistical Graph on Hand Washing

32 Attitudes towards making a lifestyle change – Being Lazy – “Nothing will happen to me” – “Out of sight out of mind” – “When it happens, I will deal with it”


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