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Series 1: “Meaningful Use” for Behavioral Health Providers 1/2014 Changes to Stage 1: Core Objective #10 Clinical Quality Measures (required for Stage.

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2 Series 1: “Meaningful Use” for Behavioral Health Providers 1/2014 Changes to Stage 1: Core Objective #10 Clinical Quality Measures (required for Stage 1 reporting by 1/1/2014) From the CIHS Video Series “Ten Minutes at a Time”

3 Core Objective #10: Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) Review, ended 12/31/2013 Objective 10 Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS Measure For 2011, provide aggregate numerator, denominator, and exclusions through attestation. For 2012, electronically submit the clinical quality measures Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/stage1changestipsheet.pdf

4 Three Core CQMs NQF 0013 Hypertension – Blood Pressure Measurement NQF 0028 Preventative Care and Screening Measure Pair NQF 0421 Adult Weight Screening and Follow Up Three Alternate Core CQMs Measures for Core Objective #10 Review, ended 12/31/2013 NQF 0024 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents NQF 0038 Childhood Immunization Status NQF 0041 Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization for Patients > 50 Years Old Three Additional CQMs Must Be Selected Select 3 from a list of 44

5 Use Stage 2 schema for reporting on Clinical Quality Measures in Stage 1 Select 9 CQMs from a list of 64 Core Objective #10 eliminated CQM reporting now considered part of definition of Meaningful Use If data is available, must report it. If not available, can still report “0” in denominator Sources: Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/CQM_Through_2013.html Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/CQM_Through_2013.html Stage 1 Core Objective #10 Changes begin 1/1/2014

6 Two levels of certification of the EHR itself – Stage 1, and Stage 2 Providers allowed to implement 2014 certified EHR edition for use in Stage 1, for the 2013 reporting year. There are 44 CQMs for Stage 1 but only 32 of these were carried into Stage 2. The 2014 certified EHR edition can’t report on the 12 dropped CQMs One of those CQMs is one of the three Core CQMs from Stage 1, so they cannot report on one of the three Core CQMs. They have to report on an Alternate Core CQM. Since they can report “0”in the denominator, this was an acceptable solution. Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/2014_ClinicalQualityMeasu res.html Stage 1 Core Objective #10 Implications re: EHR Certification Level

7 We Have Solutions for Integrating Primary and Behavioral Healthcare Contact CIHS for all types of primary and behavioral health care integration technical assistance and training needs 1701 K Street NW, Ste 400 Washington DC 20006 Web: Phone:202-684-7457 Prepared and presented by Colleen O’Donnell, MSW, PMP, CHTS-IM for the Center for Integrated Health Solutions

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