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Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry National Seminars Latvia and Lithuania May 2006 Edited by Freek Thomasson.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry National Seminars Latvia and Lithuania May 2006 Edited by Freek Thomasson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Construction Industry National Seminars Latvia and Lithuania May 2006 Edited by Freek Thomasson

2 What is social dialogue at European level?  a joint consultation procedure involving the social partners at European level.  it includes  discussion  joint action  sometimes negotiations between the European employers and trade unions

3 Bipartite social dialogue  two groups of representative social partners  trade unions and  employers organisations  autonomous  various levels (and hierarchy)

4 Triangle of industrial relations National government European Commission CAPITAL Employer Organisations National level EU-level LABOUR Trade Unions National level EU-level

5 Social dialogue  objectives of governement  political objectives  force of stability, reform and innovation  objectives of trade unions  political objectives  workers protection  objectives of employers organisations  political objectives  social peace  autodetermination

6 Characteristics of the construction industry  strong economical multiplicator effect  complicated employment relations  traditional  progressive  strong dependance of external factors  influence of climate  complex production proces  highly regulated (H&S, public procurement, …)  image problem 3Ds: Dirty, Dangerious, Difficult  fragile sector:  economical  social

7 Common interests of the social partners  sustainability  rentability  competivity

8 How to translate these common interests into actions at national level?  strong social relations  social partners  social dialogue - negotiations  strong social funds  pension funds  social security funds  occupational health and safety funds  vocational and professional training funds  regulatory aspects  joint actions of employers and trade unions

9 How to translate these common interests into actions at national level?  strong social relations  social partners  social dialogue - negotiations  strong social funds  pension funds  social security funds  occupational health and safety funds  vocational and professional training funds  regulatory aspects  joint actions of employers and trade unions

10 Levels of collective bargaining (wages) GOVERNMENT TRADE UNIONS Intersectoral level EMPLOYERS’ Intersectoral level TRADE UNIONS Sectoral level EMPLOYERS’ Sectoral level TRADE UNIONS Company level EMPLOYERS’ Company level Slovenia Cyprus Slovakia Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Malta Poland Lithuania

11 Levels of collective bargaining (wages) GOVERNMENT TRADE UNIONS Intersectoral level EMPLOYERS’ Intersectoral level TRADE UNIONS Sectoral level EMPLOYERS’ Sectoral level TRADE UNIONS Company level EMPLOYERS’ Company level Belgium Finland Ireland Austria Denmark Germany Greece Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden France UK

12 General information Contact person in EFBWW: Werner Buelen Email: Website of EFBWW: Telephone: ++ 32 011 693.6452

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