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Title Your Theology Notes: Understanding Scripture September 1, 2015.

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1 Title Your Theology Notes: Understanding Scripture September 1, 2015

2 Discipline Record Period 5

3 Blue Bible Textbooks Bring the Blue Bible Textbook to class with you this Weds Block B – Per. 5, 6, 7 Thurs Block A – Per. 2, 3

4 Theology Notebooks Due During Block Your Theology Notebook will be graded during block All August Notes and Warm-ups need to be ready and organized Worth 50 points

5 Notes / Background Look for the word Notes at the top of the screen – write it down Look for the word Background at the top of the screen – don’t write it down

6 Notes Authentic interpretation of the Bible is the responsibility of the teaching office of the Church.

7 Background Examples of past documents that taught how to interpret the Bible: Divino Afflante Spiritu. Written by Pope Pius XII, 1943. Permitted the limited use of modern methods of biblical criticism Dei Verbum. Vatican II, 1965. Church teaching on Revelation Pontifical Biblical Commission, Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, 1993.

8 Notes “Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God, which is entrusted to the Church.” -Dei Verbum, Vatican II, paragraph 10 Dei Verbum is Latin for Word of God

9 Criteria for Interpreting Sacred Scripture - Notes 1. Read and interpret Sacred Scripture within the tradition and teaching of the Church 2. Give attention both to what the human authors intended to say and to what God reveals to us by their words 3. Take into account the conditions of the time when it was written and the culture where it was written

10 Notes – Criteria continued 4. Read and interpret Sacred Scripture in the light of the same Holy Spirit by whom it was written 5. Read and interpret each part of Sacred Scripture with an awareness and understanding of the unity of the content and teaching of the entire Bible 6. Be attentive to the analogy of faith, that is, the unity that exists in all Church teaching

11 Senses of Scripture - Notes 1. The Literal Sense of Scripture: the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis* *Exegesis is the process of studying scripture in depth to discover its authentic meaning.

12 Notes – Senses of Scripture continued 2. The Spiritual Sense of Scripture (3 parts) A. Allegorical sense: recognizing the significance of events in the Bible as they relate to Christ B. Moral sense: Scripture teaches us and encourages us how to live and act C. Anagogical sense: Scripture speaks to us of eternal realities

13 Application of the Senses of Scripture Open to Exodus Chapter 14 in your Bible

14 In Your Notes 1. Literal sense – write a brief description of what literally happened in Exodus 14. 2. Spiritual sense – A. Allegorical sense – how is the parting of the Red Sea related to what Christ accomplishes for us on the Cross? B. Moral sense – how does this Exodus event teach us how to live and act? C. Anagogical sense – how does this Exodus event point us to our heavenly goal?

15 Notes September 8, 2015

16 Notes – The Bible in relation to science and history 1. The Church teaches us how to relate truths of faith to science 2. There can be no conflict between religious truth and scientific and historical truth

17 Background Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth. -Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) paragraph 159

18 Background Consequently, methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of faith derive from the same God. -CCC 159

19 Background The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are. -CCC 159

20 Background There is a difference between the Catholic understanding of Scripture and that of those who interpret the Bible in an overly literalist, fundamentalist way or with an approach limited to a symbolic understanding Example: Interpretation of Luke 10: 17-20

21 Background – Additional Helpful Approaches to Scripture 1. Research done by scholars’ critiques of Scripture’s texts, history, and editing 2. Biblical archaeology: discoveries of Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi, targums, and other authentic ancient texts 3. Study of the forms of literature in the Bible

22 Tour Through the Holy Land The Bible takes place in a historical region of the world that has been fought over since the beginning of time. 1.4 million people visit the Holy Land of Israel every year because of its significance to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.



25 Bibles need to be covered by Friday Example Worth 50 points

26 Sept. 3 - In Class Assignment Complete the Following Review Questions on Loose Leaf. Due at the end of class today. You may not type your answers. Handwritten only on loose leaf. Write the Questions and the Answers. Not getting to work means points lost from the mini-series or minutes after class.

27 Title Your Loose Leaf: First and Last Name 9/3/15 Period 3 Theology I-A Assignment: Blue Bible Textbook Review Questions 1. The Desire to Know God: #1 – 7 on page 20. 2. Natural Revelation: #1 – 7 on page 32. 3. Divine Revelation: #1 – 7 on page 47. Write the Questions and the Answers. Answers do not need to be in complete sentences as long as they answer the question. Due 9/4/15.

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