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Cyber Morality and Citizenship Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Parent Presentation Learning Technology Services, 2009-2010

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Morality and Citizenship Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Parent Presentation Learning Technology Services, 2009-2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Morality and Citizenship Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools Parent Presentation Learning Technology Services, 2009-2010

2 What is Cyber Morality and Citizenship? Division Program being developed to help inform staff, students, and parents.

3 What is Being Done? Awareness Program Curricular focus with resources Acceptable Use Policy GSACRD Technology Plan

4 What is Digital Citizenship? “…norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.” Digital Citizenship in Schools, Mike Ribble

5 What is Digital Citizenship? Teach our children… When and how to use the Internet Make informed choices How to conduct themselves Physical and emotional well-being About personal safety Digital Citizenship in Schools, Mike Ribble

6 What can you do to support your child? Locate your computer in a “safe” place Consider “filtering” Internet access Become familiar with social networking sites Remind your children that strangers exist on the Internet Recognize that mistakes will happen

7 Basic Online Safety Follow the guidelines set by your parents and guardians or teach them! Respect other people online Keep your identity private Stop communication if you feel uncomfortable Don’t meet offline

8 Why Cyber Morality and Citizenship? Need to respond to our current reality.

9 Why Cyber Morality and Citizenship? Get the information you need… And make the right choices Social Networking is not something done in isolation. Its part of our community.

10 Who Can You Trust? You may not know the truth about people you first meet online You can be lied to or betrayed Time ≠ Trust Be suspicious; any person worth having as a friend wouldn’t ask you to put yourself at risk

11 Some Social Networking Sites

12 Be Careful Signing Up

13 How Much Information Is Being Posted? User Profiles Ask Too Much Age, school, town, grade, boy/girl, activities, phone number, email Images Provide Details What do your pictures say about you?

14 When Using Online Accounts  Use names that don’t imply things about you  Create a “special” email account  Don’t assume you have to provide the information  Go over the user profile with your child  Get creative with your passwords 5tat10n - station  Don’t share pictures  Have them show you their accounts…

15 The Online Life Is Everywhere E-mail, IM, and Chatrooms Cell Phones Social Networking Blogging Video & images Online Gaming File Sharing

16 Predators Your Online life Cyber Bullying Revealing Too Much Online Risks - Think About it…

17 Why Should You Care?

18 Revealing Too Much: You Can’t Take It Back Video: Bulletin Board

19 You Can’t Take It Back  Words and photos published online are there for the world to see - once out there, they can’t be taken back.  Any photo or video posted online can be saved, accessed and altered by anyone.  This applies even if your page is private.  Private conversations can be saved.

20 Online Risks - Think About it

21 Online Profiling

22 Why Should You Care?  Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall caught in videotape scandal  MP Tom Lukiwski says he is 'ashamed' of comments he made… 15 Years Ago!

23 Why Should You Care?  Students in Sherwood Park were expelled from school for comments they made on Nexopia It does matter what you say…

24 The Online Life: Webcams & Video  Any cell phone can record pictures and video  Direct to the Internet  Videos can be used against you  Your surroundings could reveal your location  Video can be altered by anyone Cell phones are a privilege, not a right

25 Why Should You Care? FaceBook, MySpace, and Nexopia  Personal information is sold  Beacons tell other people what you are doing…  Purchases you’ve made, places you’ve visited  News Feeds  Data is collected from everything you enter (private messages, photos, quizzes you’ve answered)

26 Have you met your online friends in person? Predators: Who Are Your Online Friends?

27 Online Risks - Think About it EXCHANGE


29 How Much Is Too Much? Images  Backgrounds that reveal identifying information  What do your pictures say about you? Facial Recognition It’ll find you!

30 How Much is Too Much?  Digital Cameras  GeoTagging Reveals your location

31 Predators…Warning Signs  If Anyone:  Talks about inappropriate things  Sends you sexually explicit material  Asks for your personal information  Talks about or wants you to do something that makes you uncomfortable  Wants to meet you in person

32 Video: Everyone Knows Your Name Predators: Who Are Your Online Friends?

33 How Much is Too Much?  Information that could lead a predator to your door:  Photos or video should never be posted online if they show:  Backgrounds that reveal identifying information  Sexually provocative poses  Too much skin Name age birthday phone number School schedule location

34 CyberBullying

35 Video: Broken Friendship Activity: Broken friendship

36 CyberBullying What is it?  Spreading rumors and gossip  Posting pictures/video without consent  Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity  Harassing or threatening with mean or bad language

37 Why People Cyber Bully Entertainment (get a reaction, low self esteem) Frustration or anger Fit in Explore behavior “Because I can”

38 Cyberbullying Who are you when you are online? Alter ego?

39 Cyberbullying

40 CyberBullying What is it?  Spreading rumors and gossip  Posting pictures/video without consent  Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity  Harassing or threatening with mean or bad language

41 CyberBullying Consequences  Broken friendships  Hurting people  School Consequences  Prosecution by police  Harassment  Posting sexually explicit photos of people under 18 is illegal (even if it is your friend)

42 Some closing thoughts…

43 Resources for YOU   If you or someone you know has been victimized, tell a trusted adult and report it to the Cyber Tip line.   Excellent video presentations.   GetNetWiseTools for Families   CyberSafe With Steve Dotto  Obsession-Video Obsession-Video  Oprah’s show on the dangers of texting while driving

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