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Shallow Water Waves 2: Tsunamis and Tides

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1 Shallow Water Waves 2: Tsunamis and Tides
MAST-602 Lecture Oct.-16, 2008 (Andreas Muenchow) Knauss (1997): p (tsunamis and seiches) p tides p Kelvin waves Descriptions: Tsunamis, tides, bores Tide Generating Force Equilibrium tide Co-oscillating basins Kelvin and Poincare waved

2 Equilibrium Tide ht gives ht (“bulge”) of water-covered earth, no accelerations 0 = pressure gradient + horizontal tide generating force 0 = g ∂ht/∂s + hTGF

3 Tidal Breaking: Friction between the ocean’s bulge and solid earth drags the bulge in the direction of the earth’s rotation. This frictional effect removes rotational kinetic energy from the earth, thus increasing the length of the day by about seconds in 100 years. It also implies a net forward acceleration of the moon that moves it about 3.8 cm/year away from earth (lunar recession). © Richard Pogge

4 Tidal Locking of the Moon
The early moon rotated much faster: As earth does now, it rotated under its tidal bulge; internal friction resulted, which slowed the moon's rotation. the Moon's rotation slowed until it matched its orbital period around the earth (29 days), and the friction stopped. The end result is that the moon became Tidally Locked in synchronous Rotation.Therefore the moon keeps the same face towards the earth. Its rotational and orbital periods are the same: ---> the moon is tidally locked to the earth.

5 Resonance: response of an oscillatory system
forced close to its natural frequency Breaking wine glass ---> 1-min movie Tacoma Bridge > 4-minutes movie Forced string ---> Java applet

6 Resonance: response of an oscillatory system
forced close to its natural frequency d damping parameter (friction) Response Forcing Frequency/Natural Frequency

7 Equilibrium Tide ht gives ht (“bulge”) of water-covered earth, no accelerations 0 = pressure gradient + horizontal tide generating force 0 = g ∂ht/∂s + hTGF Unrealistic as water must “instantaneously” adjust to changing forcing but known ht provides useful in the dynamics of tides

8 Dynamics of Tides ht is a known forcing function of (x,y,t):
acceleration + coriolis = pressure gradient u/t - fv = - g (h-ht)/x x-momentum v/t + fv = - g (h-ht)/y y-momentum H(u/x + v/y) + h/t = 0 continuity used p(x,y,z,t) = gr[h(x,y,t)-z] from z-momentum p/z = - rg to convert 1/r p/x ---> g h/x

9 These are Kelvin and Poincare Waves.
Ocean Basin responding to tidal forcing ht under the influence of the earth’s rotation (Coriolis); Apparent standing wave rotating around the basins (Atlantic or Pacific Oceans); These are Kelvin and Poincare Waves.

10 L H u/t = - g h/x Tidal Co-oscillation (without Coriolis):
H u/x + h/t = 0 Tidal Co-oscillation (without Coriolis): Standing wave due to perfect reflection at wall c=l/T=(gH)1/2 and L=l/4 (quarter wavelength resonator) L H ---> T=4L(gH)-1/2 Tomzcak web-site deep ocean tide forced by hTGF due to moon/sun shelf tide forced by small h(t) at seaward boundary

11 Currents Sealevel Time


13 L Example of quarter-wavelength resonator: Cook Inlet, Alaska h0~5m
tidal bore forms: L L ~ 290 km H ~ 50 m T=12.42 hours c=(gh)1/2~22 m/s l=c*T~12.42 hrs*22 m/s=990km

14 Dynamics of Tides ht is a known forcing function of (x,y,t):
acceleration + coriolis = pressure gradient u/t - fv = - g (h-ht)/x x-momentum v/t + fv = - g (h-ht)/y y-momentum (uh)/x + (vh)/y + h/t = 0 continuity used p(x,y,z,t) = gr[h(x,y,t)-z] from z-momentum p/z = - rg to convert 1/r p/x ---> g h/x

15 Kelvin Wave: peculiar balance of acceleration, Coriolis, and p-grad in the presence of a coast ∂u/∂t - fv = -g∂h∂x along-shore force balance ∂v/∂t + fu = -g∂h∂y across-shore force balance COAST ∂(uh)/∂x + ∂(vh)/∂y = -∂h∂t mass balance Assume v=0 everywhere y,v x,u

16 Kelvin Wave: peculiar balance of acceleration, Coriolis, and p-grad in the presence of a coast ∂u/∂t - fv = -g∂h∂x along-shore force balance x,u y,v COAST ∂v/∂t + fu = -g∂h∂y across-shore force balance ∂(uh)/∂x + ∂(vh)/∂y = -∂h∂t mass balance Assume v=0 everywhere

17 Kelvin wave: geostrophic across the shore
u High Low divergence convergence u High Low divergence convergence COAST COAST Time t Time t+dt convergence y,v y,v convergence x,u x,u

18 Wave Equation ∂2u/∂t2 = c2 ∂2u/∂x2
EQ-1 ∂(x-mom)/∂t: ∂2u/∂t2 = -g ∂(∂h/∂x)/∂t = -g ∂(∂h/∂t)/∂x EQ-2 ∂(continuity)/∂x: H∂2u/∂x2 = -∂(∂h/∂t)/∂x Insert EQ-2 into EQ-1: ∂2u/∂t2 = gH ∂2u/∂t2 Wave Equation ∂2u/∂t2 = c2 ∂2u/∂x2 Subject to the dispersion relation w2 = k2 gH or c2 = gH

19 Wave Equation ∂2u/∂t2 = c2 ∂2u/∂x2
y Try solutions u = Y(y)*cos(kx-ct) c/f is the lateral decay scale (Rossby radius) to find that Y(y) = A e-fy/c

20 Tidal co-oscillation with Coriolis (Taylor, 1922)
(u,v) head head

21 The progress of the tidal wave from the Atlantic Ocean into the North Sea is clearly demonstrated by the co-phase lines. The wave enters from the north and propagates along the British coast; it then proceeds around two amphidromic points along the Dutch, German and Danish coastline. Another wave enters from the south west, through the English Channel. In the Irish Sea the wave enters from the south.The influence of the Coriolis force is demonstrated by the co-range lines, which show large tidal range along the British coast and small tidal range along the German, Danish and Norwegian coast. The same effect (amplification on the right side of the wave) is seen in the English Channel, where the tidal range along the French coast is as high as 11†m compared with 3†m on the English coast, and in the Irish Sea, where 8†m on the English coast compare with 2†m on the Irish coast. © 1996 M. Tomczak

22 Internal Kelvin Wave in a closed basin
layer-1 Layer-3 h layer-2 (u,v) layer-2 h layer-3 (u,v) layer-3 from Dr. Antenucci

23 Inertia Gravity (Poincare)Wave:
balance of acceleration, Coriolis, and p-grad ∂u/∂t - fv = -g∂h∂x along-shore force balance ∂v/∂t + fu = -g∂h∂y across-shore force balance COAST ∂(uh)/∂x + ∂(vh)/∂y = -∂h∂t mass balance No assumption on v y,v x,u

24 Wave Equation ∂2u/∂t2 = c2 ∂2u/∂x2
subject to the dispersion relation w2 = k2 gh + f2 w>f or c2 = w2/k2 = gh + f2/k2

25 Progressive Poincare Wave in a Channel
Sea level Horizontal velocity from Dr. Antenucci

26 Progressive Poincare Wave in a Channel
Mode-2 Sea level Horizontal velocity from Dr. Antenucci

27 Standing Poincare Wave in a Channel
Mode-1 Sea level Horizontal velocity from Dr. Antenucci

28 Standing Poincare Wave in a Channel
Mode-2 Sea level Horizontal velocity from Dr. Antenucci

29 Internal Poincare Wave in a closed basin
(vertical mode-1) layer-1 (u,v) layer-1 layer-3 h layer-2 (u,v) layer-2 h layer-2 (u,v) layer-3 from Dr. Antenucci

30 Internal Poincare Wave in a closed basin
(vertical mode-1, horizontal mode-2) layer-1 (u,v) layer-1 layer-3 h layer-2 (u,v) layer-2 h layer-2 (u,v) layer-3 from Dr. Antenucci

31 Tidal Dynamics: Scaling
Depth-integrated (averaged) continuity (mass) balance: (uh)/x + (vh)/y + h/t = 0 UH/L UH/L h0/T ---> U ~ (h0/H) (L/T) or L ~ UHT/h0 Velocity scale U Vertical length scales H (depth) and h0(sealevel amplitude) Hirozontal length scale L Time scale T

32 Depth-integrated (averaged) force (momentum) balance:
Acceleration + nonlinear advection + Coriolis = pressure gradient u/t U/T 1 uu/x+vu/y U2/L U2h0/(UHT) e= h0/H << 1 fv fU fT ~ 1 g h/x gh0/L gH(h0 /H)2/UT (ec/U)2 ~ 1 L ~ UHT/h0 h0 ~1m, H~100m --> e~0.01<<1 --> (gH)1/2~30 m/s --> U~0.3 m/s 2p/f ~ hours, hence Coriolis acceleration contributes as fT~1

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