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Visualising thinking within the ICT domain of VELS Paula Christophersen Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 13 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualising thinking within the ICT domain of VELS Paula Christophersen Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 13 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualising thinking within the ICT domain of VELS Paula Christophersen Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 13 May 2006

2 ICT domain focuses on tools to: change how students learn enrich their learning environment

3 ICT for visualising thinking ICT for creatingICT for communicating

4 English Humanities The Arts Mathematics Science Civics and Citizenship Health & Physical Education Interpersonal development Personal Learrning LOTE ICT can be used to: Develop understandings of concepts in other areas of learning Demonstrate understandings Share understandings

5 ICT for visualising thinking ICT tools that facilitate visual thinking are ones that allow ideas and information for all areas of learning to be easily and quickly: drafted filtered reorganised refined systematically assessed in order to make meaning for students. Students use text and image representations, such as graphic organisers, ICT-generated simulations and models to help structure their thinking processes and assist in constructing knowledge. Visualising thinking tools help structure different forms of thinking about content

6 Integrates current and past knowledge  ‘value- adding’ Focuses on essential information  clarity of information Explicitly engages students to create tools for understanding content Dual coding (visual and text) improves effectiveness of learning

7 ICT for visualising thinking  assist thinking processes  reflect on the thinking strategies used to develop understanding. ICT for developing understandingsICT for internalising

8 Spreadsheets are useful for  representing  reflecting on  calculating data Building spreadsheets requires:  abstract thinking  rule making  analysis


10 You’re a grade 6 teacher at Wattle Lakes Primary, and you teach ‘World of Ideas’ a VELSified offering that embraces Geography, History and Civic & Citizenship (C&C). Leadership is a 2 week unit (from C&C ‘students demonstrate understanding of the roles and responsibilities of leaders, …) Key question: Am I a leader?

11 Am I a leader? (4D template task)

12 A dog is/is a … Generic classifications of concept and qualities. A dog has … Attributes of concept/term Dog examples … Specific examples/instances A dog can … Dynamic aspects of concepts. CONCEPT FRAME: level 1 Concept Frame template

13 A dog is/is a … a mammal loyal A dog has … a tail four legs Examples of a dog … spaniel poodle A dog can … catch a ball swim CONCEPT FRAME: level 1

14 A leader is/is a …A leader has … Leaders include …A leader can … CONCEPT FRAME: level 1 Concept Frame template

15 A dog is/is a … SequenceAttribute 1a mammal 3loyal Xmeat eater 2pet A dog has … SequenceAttribute 2a tail 3four legs 1fur A dog can … SequenceAttribute 4catch a ball 3swim 1lead people 2save people Examples of a dog … SequenceAttribute 1spaniel 2poodle 3dingoes 4foxes CONCEPT FRAME: level 2 Add new examples Identify redundant examples Sequence/order for importance

16 A leader is/is a …A leader has … Leaders include …A leader can … CONCEPT FRAME: level 2 Add some new attributes, remove some, if appropriate, and sequence

17 A dog is/is a … Sequence Attribute 1 a mammal 3 loyal X meat eater 2 pet A dog has … SequenceAttribute 2a tail 3four legs 1fur A dog can … Sequence AttributeGroup 4 catch a ball 3 swim 1 lead people 2 save people Examples of a dog … Sequence Attribute Group 1 spaniel 2 poodle 3 dingoes 4 foxes CONCEPT FRAME: level 3 Group items on common basis play work pets wild

18 A leader is/is a …A leader has … Leaders include …A leader can … CONCEPT FRAME: level 3 Group attributes based on common characteristic


20 In summary Visualising thinking tools: help represent abstract information in concrete forms depict relationships between facts and concepts depict relationships between new information and prior knowledge are construction tools for the mind

21 Thank you Paula Christophersen 9651 4378

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