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ICT Mentor Training Day 2 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Mentor Training Day 2 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Mentor Training Day 2 Welcome

2 Day Two 8.30 am Getting-to-Know You Characteristics of Self-Directed and Collaborative Learning 10:00 amTea Break 10:30 amEssential Conditions for Effective ICT Integration 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Essential Elements for Lesson Design 2:30 pmBreak 3.00 pm 8.50 am ICT-Based Lessons 4.50 pm Reflection

3 Approach and Assumptions Model instructional and assessment approaches which result in student directed learning and collaborative learning Carry Out authentic task throughout the professional development experience Develop resources which will support the ICT Mentor Initiative and their learning experience Regardless of your role or background, we assume that: You are open to new ideas You are willing to fully participate You like learning! Activities will Assumptions

4 Fave Favourite experience involving the use of ICT Getting to Know You “Fave, Slave or Crave?!” 1.Think individually 2.Record your thoughts in the Google Form 3.Share your thoughts within your group 4.Introduce a group member and his/her thoughts Slave Situation about ICT that frustrates you Crave Area of interest with ICT that you want to learn more about.

5  Students possess competencies for self-directed and collaborative learning through the effective use of ICT  Teachers have the capacity to plan and deliver ICT-enriched learning experiences for students to become self-directed and collaborative learners as well as nurture students to become discerning and responsible ICT users  School leaders provide the direction and create the conditions to harness ICT for learning and teaching Goals of mp3

6 Objectives Identify essential conditions for effective ICT integration and suggest examples to achieve the conditions Describe characteristics of ICT-facilitated collaborative learning and self-directed learning Apply digital age skills for ICT integration

7 Characteristics of Self-Directed and Collaborative Learning characteristics of self- directed learning characteristics of collaborative learning conditions that make it successful roles of the teachers & students 1.Look for 2.Record your observations in Google Form 3.View other gp’s observations & share with your gp.

8 Question or comment on their points at Coveritlive What is SDL and CoL to a Student Teacher School leader Employer Parent Community Inner Circle Outer Circle Characteristics of Self-Directed and Collaborative Learning

9 Collaborative Learning Effective Group Processes, e.g. - e.g. Accountable to self and group Individual and Group Accountability of Learning Self-Directed Learning Ownership of Learning Management and Monitoring of Own Learning Extension of Own Learning Characteristics of Self-Directed and Collaborative Learning

10 ICT-Facilitated Learning One thing you have learnt on the use of technology?

11 Take a Break 10.00 am – 10.30 am

12 ICT-Facilitated Learning One/two word(s) that describe a positive experience before break

13 What are essential conditions for effective ICT integration in your school? Essential Elements for Lesson Design Brainstorm and create a web of conditions using mywebspiration Share your webs, view other groups’ webs and enhance your web. Propose suggestions on how conditions can be achieved Add suggestions to your web View other groups’ suggestions and enhance your web Essential Conditions.doc

14 What are essential conditions for effective ICT integration in your school? What part do you play in this? As ICT Mentors Essential Elements for Lesson Design

15 LUNCH 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

16 Effective ICT Integration What elements would you consider when designing an ICT-based lesson? As teachers

17 Range of Use

18 Shifting the Learning Paradigm (Student-centered)

19 In groups of 6, each of you will Read and learn one of the 4 standards of Authentic Instruction Share what you learned to group members Authenticity of Learning

20 Higher Order Thinking Depth of Knowledge Connectedness to the World Beyond the Classroom Substantive Conversation Authenticity of Learning

21 Complexity of Thinking Collaboration Debating Negotiating Commenting Video conferencing Skyping Networking Emailing Chatting

22 L Evaluate Create Remember Analyze Understand Apply Higher Order Thinking Skills Lower Order Thinking Skills

23 L Evaluate Create Remember Analyze Understand Apply Higher Order Thinking Skills Lower Order Thinking Skills

24 1.Use the common fairy tale elements 2.Write a short fairy tale (about 100 words) 3.Record fairy tale using Vocaroo Fairy Tales

25 4 Square Reflection Fairy Tales Instructional approach What? How? Effective? Thinking skills & Digital age skills What? How? Effective? ICT tools What? How? Effective? Authenticity What? How?

26 Take a Break 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm

27 1.Read and deconstruct the lesson ICT tools? Thinking skills and Digital age skills? Instructional Approach? Authenticity? 2. Propose how you can bring the lesson to a higher level of thinking Change of ICT tool (if different)? Change of thinking skill? Shapes

28 4 Square Reflection Instructional approach What? How? Effective? Thinking skills & Digital age skills What? How? Effective? ICT tools What? How? Effective? Authenticity What? How?

29 Reflection Positive experience you had Area you could do better in Interesting idea I have learnt Google Form: Reflection_Day2

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