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Dr Julie Watson, Teesside University.. Challenges A programme that supports new academic staff, Include theory and practice, Face to face and work based,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Julie Watson, Teesside University.. Challenges A programme that supports new academic staff, Include theory and practice, Face to face and work based,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Julie Watson, Teesside University.

2 Challenges A programme that supports new academic staff, Include theory and practice, Face to face and work based, Recognisably relevant in each specific context, Start as soon as possible after arrival, Model good practice. Managing change (tradition, systems) Finance.

3 Structure 1. Escape somewhere nice. Higher Education in Context Teaching Practice in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice Elective

4 Structure 2. Practice makes perfect good enough and improving. Higher Education in Context Teaching Practice in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice Elective

5 Structure 3. Reality check. Higher Education in Context Teaching Practice in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice Elective

6 Structure 4. A little bit of what you fancy... Higher Education in Context Teaching Practice in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice ElectiveElective

7 And for the support staff? PgCE Supporting Learning in Higher Education. (proposed start January 2011). Supporting Learning in Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice ElectiveElective

8 Does it work? Let the participants have the last word: ‘It made me think.’ ‘I have learned something that I will use next week.’ ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?’ ‘I wondered what a credit was.’ ‘ I’ve really enjoyed today.’ ‘I’ve got lots of ideas that will help my students.’

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