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Cherokee CREEK Seminole Chickasaw Choctaw  Andrew Jackson supported the settlers’ demand for Native American land.  Congress created the Indian Territory.

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2 Cherokee

3 CREEK Seminole

4 Chickasaw Choctaw

5  Andrew Jackson supported the settlers’ demand for Native American land.  Congress created the Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) for these Native Americans.

6  The Federal Government had previously recognized the Cherokee as an independent nation. However, Georgia refused to recognize Cherokee laws.  The Cherokee sued the state of Georgia and took their case to the Supreme Court.

7  Worcester argued for the Cherokee  Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee.

8 Jackson supported Georgia and vowed to ignore the supreme courts ruling. “Now let him enforce it.”

9 In 1838, General Winfield Scott and an army of 7,000 federal troops Came to remove the Cherokee from their homes and lead them west.

10 Scott threatened to use force and told the Cherokee that he had positioned troops all around the nation so that resistance and escape were useless. Brutal weather claimed 1000’s of lives.

11  Black Hawk tried to regain Illinois but were met by Federal Troops who slaughtered most Native Americans as they tried to flee to present-day Iowa.

12 The Seminole decided to go to war rather than leave Florida.

13  Joined Forces with a group of run away slaves. They were successful using Guerrilla tactics.  In 1842, the Federal government gave up and allowed the remaining Seminoles to remain in Florida.  By this time only a few scattered Natives lived east of the Mississippi River.

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