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Warm - Up : Complete the handout at the front of the room. Which side do you think is more likely to win a war ? Why ?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm - Up : Complete the handout at the front of the room. Which side do you think is more likely to win a war ? Why ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm - Up : Complete the handout at the front of the room. Which side do you think is more likely to win a war ? Why ?

2  Review the beginning events of the Civil War  Understand the significance of key people, events and battles in the Civil War  Analyze the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address

3  Nickname: Union or Yankees  President: Abraham Lincoln  Uniform Color: Blue  Reasons for Fighting: ◦ Preserve the union (early) ◦ End slavery (later) 

4 1) Larger population 2) Banks/more $$$ available 3) More industry 4) More railroads 5) Had a military 6) Had a central gov’t

5 2) George McClellan 1) Ulysses S. Grant 4) Ambrose Burnside3) William T Sherman You must KNOW Ulysses S. Grant! (I will be President in a few years) Look at my lovely sideburns… …..wait for it) President Lincoln fires me after an epic fail. They still curse me in the South.

6  Nickname: Confederates  President: Jefferson Davis  Uniform Color: Grey  Reasons for fighting: ◦ Defend slavery ◦ Defend states’ rights ◦ Preserve their way of life

7 1) Fighting on home turf 2) Had a cause to fight for 3) Strong military leaders (Robert E. Lee) 4) Knew how to ride horses and use guns 5) Possibility of foreign aid (Cotton diplomacy)

8 2) “Stonewall” Jackson 1) Robert E. Lee 3) George Pickett You must KNOW Robert E. Lee – a Virginian and a brilliant general! Ever driven on Lee-Jackson highway? (Rt 50) Ever been on Pickett Rd in Fairfax?

9  April 1861: Fort Sumter, SCFort Sumter, SC ◦ First shots fired in the Civil War ◦ Confederates capture Union fort in SC harbor  Virginia secedes 5 days later; splits into two states (welcome WV!)  Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina follow VA soon after


11 SSouthern states that seceded from the Union: ◦S◦S outh Carolina (SC-1 st ) ◦M◦M ississippi (MS) ◦F◦F lorida (FL) ◦A◦A labama (AL) ◦A◦A rkansas (AR) ◦N◦N orth Carolina (NC) o Tennessee (TN) o Louisiana (LA) o Texas (TX) o Georgia (GA) o Virginia (VA)

12 BBorder states that still practiced slavery but that remained in the Union: ◦D◦D elaware (DE) ◦K◦K entucky (KY) ◦M◦M issouri (MO) ◦M◦M aryland (MD) Shade the map: These are important! Free states Slave states Border states

13 Free states Slave states Border states


15 1) Two-pronged blockade of Confederacy’s Atlantic and Gulf coast ports Northern strategy: Anaconda Plan Atlantic ports Gulf ports

16 2) Send naval gunboats down Mississippi River to capture New Orleans 3) This would cut off the South geographically & economically Northern strategy: Anaconda Plan Miss. River

17 3) Armies would then capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia -BUT the Southern coastline had 180 ports – the Union navy had few ships to spare -Plan was approved by Lincoln but was unsuccessful Northern strategy: Anaconda Plan


19  First major land battle of the war; Confederate victory (sort of) ◦ Union soldiers march from Washington D.C. towards Richmond ◦ They are cut off by Confederates, and both sides lose many men ◦ The Union army retreats back to DC


21  Outcome: After the battle, both the North and South realized this would be a long and bloody war Before Bull Run, Northerners assumed it would be a quick war quick war

22  Can you think of any modern- day equivalents to the picnickers?  Do we still do anything like this today?

23  Lee invades the North in an attempt to surprise Washington D.C.  His plans are intercepted by Union troops under General McClellan  They meet at Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland



26  The battle is a stalemate, but the South is able to retreat.  The Union counts it as a victory, but  McClellan is fired for letting Lee get away. You’re fired!

27 Outcomes:  Is considered the bloodiest single day of the Civil War (26,000 + casualties)  Britain decides not to help the South  Gives Lincoln opportunity to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

28  What do you know about the Emancipation Proclamation?  How do you know this?  Read and answer the questions…then we’ll discuss.

29  Issued by Lincoln after Union victory at Antietam  Abolished slavery in every Confederate state; however it freed only the slaves in states “in rebellion”  Allowed black soldiers to enlist in the Union army  Gave the North a ‘human cause’ to fight for

30  William Henry Seward, Lincoln's secretary of state, referred to the proclamation as a hollow, meaningless document showing no more than, "our sympathy with the slaves by emancipating the slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free."

31  “We are all liberated by this proclamation. Everybody is liberated. The white man is liberated, the black man is liberated, the brave men now fighting the battles of their country against rebels and traitors are now liberated… I congratulate you upon this amazing change—the amazing approximation toward the sacred truth of human liberty.” -- Frederick Douglass  What do YOU think?



34 LLee attempts to invade the North for a second time to get the fighting out of Virginia TThe North under Meade defeats Lee to gain a Union victory IIs the bloodiest battle of the war (48,000 dead in 3-day battle) SSouth surrenders after fighting an uphill battle



37 Outcomes: TThe turning point of the war- started a winning streak for the North FFinal attempt by the South to attack the North (crippled the South significantly) NNow there’s no chance of foreign aid for the South

38  A speech given by Lincoln to dedicate a battlefield cemetery at Gettysburg  Described the Civil War as a struggle to preserve a nation dedicated to the idea that “all men are created equal”  America was “one nation”, not a collection of independent states  The address The address

39  Mississippi, 1863:  Grant attempts to cut the South in half by capturing the Mississippi River  Attacks the southern city for 7 weeks  The fall of Vicksburg was said to have “broken the backbone of the South”



42 Outcomes:  Starving people of Vicksburg surrender; South is divided  Union forces controlled the Mississippi River  Morale boost for the Union  Ulysses S. Grant proved his worth as a Union general

43  General Sherman leads a 60 mile march from Atlanta, GA, to Savannah, GA  Destroys railroad tracks and cuts the South off from receiving supplies  Ends up burning down the city of Atlanta to the ground  Path of destruction left behind devastates the South



46  Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union General Ulysses S. Grant surrenders

47  Signals the end of the Civil War  Lee urges Southerners to accept defeat and unite as Americans - Grant urged the North not to be harsh with former Confederates

48  War was literally fought “brother against brother”  Disease was as much of a killer as was actual fighting  Combat was brutal and often man-to-man  Total war: Everyone was affected

49  Managed homes and families with scarce resources  Often faced poverty and hunger  Assumed new roles in agriculture, nursing, and in war industries  Nursing becomes a “real” profession

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