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Topic 10- GIS layers to web

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1 Topic 10- GIS layers to web

2 Outline GIS data to web What is KML? Conversion of data to KMZ
Overlaying KMZ data on web (Google Earth) Convert a kmz file to ArcGIS layer

3 GIS data to web Graphic display of GIS spatial data in applications such as Google Earth Layers – features or raster layer converted Map- map document converted Process uses conversion to KML for display on web

4 What is KML? Keyhole Markup Language (KML)
Format to store geographic data & associated content Share with non-GIS users on and viewed on Internet using free applications such as Google Earth Composed of features & raster: points, lines, polygons, and imagery as well as pictures and attributes KML files are compressed to KMZ format

5 Conversion of data to KMZ
Tool converts a feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. File is compressed using ZIP compression, has a .kmz extension Can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth. To access: Arctoolbox> Conversion tools> To KML> Layer to KML Use to convert individual data layer

6 Conversion of data to KMZ
Tool converts a entire map document (.mxd) into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. File is compressed using ZIP compression, has a .kmz extension Can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth. To access: Arctoolbox> Conversion tools> To KML> Map to KML Use to convert map document

7 Overlaying KMZ data on web (Google Earth)
Convert to kmz in arcGIS; Open Google Earth and add the kmz file

8 Conversion of data to KMZ
Tool converts a KMZ file into an ArcGIS layer To access: Arctoolbox> Conversion tools> From KML> KML to Layer Use to convert KMZ to ArcGIS layer Go to ArcGIS help menu for more info or click: Creating KML in ArcGIS for Desktop

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