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NI Better Regulation Strategy Forward Work Programme approved by The Executive in July 2010 Implementation will take at least 3 years for all 21 actions.

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1 NI Better Regulation Strategy Forward Work Programme approved by The Executive in July 2010 Implementation will take at least 3 years for all 21 actions Brief summary of progress to date

2 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 1:Extend scope of NI strategy to all Local Authorities and all regulatory and enforcement bodies Progress:Pilot exercise carried out with Ards Borough Council and discussions with Belfast City Council. Draft report on pilot currently being considered by Ards Borough Council. Discussions have taken place with the Food Standards Agency in NI

3 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 5:Interdepartmental Group on Better Regulation to oversee the Forward Work Programme Progress:1 st meeting scheduled to take place Friday 14 January 2011. Will include a presentation by the Whitehall Better Regulation Executive on the Whitehall machine for BR

4 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Actions 6&7:Review of Regulatory Impact Assessment and Use of Standard Cost Model Progress:small working group has been set up. An initial comparative analysis of Impact Assessments in England, Scotland, ROI and Europe carried out against the current NI approach

5 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 9:Enforcement Organisations Forum Progress:A list of organisations has been developed with enforcement or regulatory powers under the scope of the NI Better Regulation Strategy. All have been written to seeking their views on creation of this forum. Initial indication is that this would be welcome.

6 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 10:Guidance on Regulations Progress:The Executive endorsed the NI Code of Practice on Guidance on Regulations in July 2010. All Departments have been notified with a view to using the guidance

7 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 13:Technology adoption Progress:New web feedback form went live on the DETI Better Regulation WebPages in August 2010. All business bodies were notified and encouraged to promote with their members. We will be looking to see how better use can be made of for all regulatory matters

8 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 14:Liaison with Whitehall and other Devolved Administrations Progress:This is ongoing and meetings of the 4 nations forum on better regulation took place in Cardiff in July 2010 and London in October 2010.

9 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 15:Trading Places Initiative Progress:Initial discussions have taken place between DARD and DETI and further work will be done in considering existing DARD programmes that may provide a useful structure to be adopted across NI Departments for this.

10 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 19:Publication of Better Regulation Annual Report Progress:This will continue and the 2009-10 report was published in early November 2010.

11 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme Action 20:Improve internal communications across NICS network of better regulation contacts Progress:Improvements have been made and greater use is made of email to keep departmental officials up to date on Whitehall initiatives and to seek input as necessary for any that impact directly on devolved administrations

12 Better Regulation Forward Work Programme In summary: A good start has been made. Clearly more to do, however we recognise the important role that everyone has to make from policy makers to stakeholders to individual businesses and enforcement inspectors. We will continue to encourage you all to play your part in helping us in ensuring NI has a good, fair, regulatory framework, which encourages a constructive and competitive business environment

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