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… begin …. Parallel Computing: What is it good for? William M. Jones, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Computer Science Department Coastal Carolina University.

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Presentation on theme: "… begin …. Parallel Computing: What is it good for? William M. Jones, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Computer Science Department Coastal Carolina University."— Presentation transcript:

1 … begin …

2 Parallel Computing: What is it good for? William M. Jones, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Computer Science Department Coastal Carolina University

3 What is Parallel Computing? (and why do we need it?) Concurrently using multiple compute resources: Solve problems faster Solve larger problems Solve problems with greater realism and fidelity Target science and engineering needs

4 The (new) Scientific Method Prediction Simulation Experiment Observation Theory

5 Simulation-based Design and Analysis

6 Weather Prediction

7 Astrophysics

8 Entertainment

9 So how do we start? Lots of well-designed HARDWARE + Well-written SOFTWARE = A Good Start

10 We’ve Come A Long Way

11 Progress


13 Basic Architecture SMP – Shared Memory

14 Distributed Memory

15 Hybrid Model

16 Multi-core + ILP + VLIW + Pipelining + Vector Units = Lots of power at multiple hierarchical levels  Many levels of potential parallelism

17 But What About Software? … applications … … compilers … … debuggers … … performance analyzers … How do we even start to write a program that could run on machines like these?

18 “First you must unlearn that which you have learned.” (at least partially) … the sequential paradigm …

19 New (better) Way of Thinking … the parallel paradigm …

20 Domain Decomposition

21 Functional Decomposition

22 So, how much faster can we make it? What are the limits to the performance improvement?




26 Questions?

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