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Sport statistics in france

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1 Sport statistics in france
Key numbers Economy Organisation Paolo Giaime

2 key statistics Number of sport licences 2003-2013 Increasing each year
Increase of 20% in ten years 25% of country population

3 Rate of sport licences per country in EU
Denmark RATE 34% Netherlands 29,5% Austria 28,5% Luxembourg 25,6% France 25% Sweden 22,2% Belgium 18% Spain 17,5% Ireland 16,3% Britain 15% Germany Italy 12,5% Finland 12% Portugal 7% Greece 5,9% With sports clubs, the France ranks first in Europe well ahead of England with clubs.

4 Financing for the sport system
Minister for sport : €233 millions for 2016  voted by the government (+4%) CNDS (National Center For the Development of Sport) : €264 millions for 2016 TOTAL ALLOCATED BUDGET : €497 millions in 2016  + 0,6% Small increase but positive while most of the rest of the budget is decreasing due to the current context

5 CNDS CNDS is a national public institution under the supervision of the Minister for Sport. Missions : To make the development of sport accessible for everyone. to develop sport facilities in the whole country To promote the international influence of French sport The establishment works by providing capital grants for mainly sports associations and local authorities.

6 CNDS founds 2.50% of money bet €226 millions

7 Sport weight in the economy
Family spent : €17,6 billions (licenses, equipments etc) Total spent : €37 billions (family+ Regions+ State+ Private companies INCREASE EACH YEAR  LAST YEAR +4.6%

8 sports budget of families in France

9 Density of sport facilities in France
Less dense departments are those with the most sports equipment Most equipped departments are all rural, older and "poor." MAIN GOAL FOR THE GOVERNMENT = Develop facilities in the most populated cities

10 PARADOXES The 10 best equipped departments, are all part of the last quartile of departments, classified according to the average wage income. It can be strange because several studies have shown that the practice of sport is a reflection of the social environment.

11 Paradoxes It is young people who do more sport, as also shown by several studies for years, but the younger departments (where over 33% of the population is under 25) are always less equipped.

12 Clarification These contradictions can be explained by several factors : The space problems seem obvious in dense departments such as Ile-de – France, Nord-Pas-de-Calais or Provence-alpes-cote d’azur) regions. By looking at the details of these sports equipment, we note that boulodromes can represent up to 25% of sports equipment in a department According to a study conducted by the Ministry of Sports in 2010, the first sports played by French are walking and hiking, swimming, cycling and running off stage. All activities that generally do not require specific infrastructure ...

13 EURO 2016 « a response to the crisis »
BUDGET : 1,7€ billions  it was the most important budget among participant countries WHY INVEST SO MUCH MONEY? "We think that sport in France is a response to the crisis. It is precisely because there is a crisis, there are problems, it is necessary to mobilize the whole country towards the organization big events » Nicola Sarkosy And also .. an estimated economic impact of € 2.3 billion

14 Numbers € 1.7 billion will be invested in the construction and renovation of stadiums, 600 come exclusively from private funds, 850 million mixed public-private financing and 290 million from public funds. After renovation and buildings stadiums, 2.5 million spectators are expected at the competition. On average 50,000 spectators are expected to attend each of the matches of Euro A revenue of €2.3 billions

15 An unique opportunity for the country
Increase sports participation of local people, of course football, but also other sports, or by increasing volunteer involvement that can create (recycling volunteers Euro in local clubs). Social impact from sport (social integration, well-being and pride of the local population, developing a sense of belonging to a community, health expenditure savings due to increased sport ...). Territorial, by the acceleration of some requalification or territorial rebuilding projects that would have taken ten or twenty more years to be done. Cases of Nice or Lyon, stadiums of Euro have been the major projects as catalysts for the business around.

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