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Jacques Vanier ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Officer Almaty, 5 to 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SAFETY PERFORMANCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacques Vanier ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Officer Almaty, 5 to 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SAFETY PERFORMANCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacques Vanier ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Officer Almaty, 5 to 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SAFETY PERFORMANCE


3 3 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 DETERMINING THE LEVEL OF SAFETY  Assess the magnitude of problems through quantitative assessments  Assess the tradeoffs by exploring costs in quantitative terms  Use tools that are both effective & inexpensive Source:Cass R. Sunstein

4 4 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY VERSUS OCCURENCE Probability of occurrence Extremely improbable Extremely remote Remote Reasonably probable Frequent Safety CatastrophicReview Unacceptable HazardousReview Unacceptable MajorAcceptableReview MinorAcceptable Review

5 5 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS  Safety Requirements:  essential actions, procedures, performance requirements or standards that must be met to ensure the safety of the procedure;  essential mitigation measures which are necessary for the system to meet the safety assessment criteria;  establishment of a safe (“just”) culture.

6 6 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (cont’d) “The organisation” continue adopt explicit safety standards which comply with statutory obligations and with the safety requirements of the Safety Regulatory Authority.

7 7 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 ORGANISATIONAL ACCIDENT STAGES DANGERHazards Losses Unsafe acts Local workplace factors Organisational factors Causes Investigation Latent condition pathway Defences Event System Stages in the development and investigation of an organisational accident

8 8 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY AND REGULATORY DECISION-MAKING Rule drafting (Regulatory body, national or international standards bodies) Enactment (National legal/regulatory authorities) Safety Regulatory Approvals Ongoing Safety Oversight Further Safety Oversight (all functions undertaken by the safety regulator) Feedback from reporting and assessment of safety occurrences RULEMAKING SAFETY OVERSIGHT

9 9 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE  Safety Performance Target - the required level of safety performance for a system.  Safety Performance Indicator - a measure (or metric) used to express the level of safety performance required or achieved in a system.

10 10 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE (cont’d) A safety performance target:  is a criterion against which the results of monitoring of the safety performance of a system are assessed;  comprises:  one or more safety performance indicators;  the desired outcomes expressed in terms of those indicators.

11 11 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE (cont’d)  Safety Performance Indicators are generally expressed in terms of the frequency of occurrence of some event causing harm. Typical measures which could be used include: fatal aircraft accidents per flight hour; fatal aircraft accidents per movement; fatal aircraft accidents per year; serious incidents per flight hour; fatalities due to aircraft accidents per year.

12 12 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE (con’d) Implementation of a safety performance monitoring programme requires that the organization: specify the safety performance indicators to be used to measure safety performance; set safety performance targets; develop and implement appropriate data collection procedures, including a safety occurrence reporting and investigation system; and develop and implement procedures for the analysis and assessment of the results of monitoring.

13 13 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE MONITORING  SAFETY HEALTH an indication of organisation’s:  resistance to unexpected conditions or acts by individuals;  ability to adapt to the unknown;  safety culture.

14 14 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY PERFORMANCE MONITORING  SAFETY OVERSIGHT  International level;  State level;  Organisational level.

15 15 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT A CULTURAL CHANGE POLICY STATEMENT: “Safety levels should be improved as traffic levels increase so as to ensure that the number of ATM-induced accidents and serious or risk bearing incidents do not increase”

16 16 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT A CULTURAL CHANGE (cont’d) Within the operation of the SMS, the service provider: a)shall ensure that all staff are actively encouraged to propose solutions to identified hazards; b)shall ensure that changes are made to improve safety where they appear needed.

17 17 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT A CULTURAL CHANGE (cont’d)  Requirements:  an effective means of communicating safety issues and  the development of an internal safety culture that encourages every member of staff to:  focus on the achievement of safety,and  to report errors and deficiencies without fear of punitive actions against them.

18 18 Almaty, 5 – 9 September 2005 QUESTIONS, COMMENTS ?

19 Jacques Vanier ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Officer Almaty, 5 to 9 September 2005 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - END -

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