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March 2008 1.  Records and views have been added to UDMS for the USPDATMST.IDX and USPDATES.IDX files ◦ USPDATMST Record Definition  DATES_MSTR_REC.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2008 1.  Records and views have been added to UDMS for the USPDATMST.IDX and USPDATES.IDX files ◦ USPDATMST Record Definition  DATES_MSTR_REC."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2008 1

2  Records and views have been added to UDMS for the USPDATMST.IDX and USPDATES.IDX files ◦ USPDATMST Record Definition  DATES_MSTR_REC ◦ USPDATES Record Definition  DATES_REC ◦ USPDATEMST View Definition  DATES_MASTER ◦ USPDATES View Definition  DATES 2

3  Modified to include validation changes for Feb. 2008 reporting cycle  released in OECN_OOPS on 02/07/2008 3

4 Added new valid state/territory abbreviations  AA – Armed Forces America  AE – Armed Forces Europe  AP – Armed Forces Pacific 4

5  The concealed flag name has been changed to “Skip Concealed” to avoid confusion 5

6  CHGEMPID was incorrectly changing deferred or in-progress ATDSCN entries to posted. This has been corrected. 6

7  A new token representing year to date adjusted gross has been added to both CHKPRT.DAT and DIRCHK.DAT  Will contain the YTD taxable gross from the employee’s 001federal deduction record plus the adjusted gross amount from the payroll 7

8  The USER_MONEY_2 and USER_CODE_2 fields can now be loaded into DEDSCN via USPLOAD 8

9  DEDNAM was not properly validation the state abbreviations entered. This has been corrected. 9

10  Updated to include new OSDI districts for tax year 2008  Released in OECN_OOPS on 01/16/2008 10

11  All web application backend XML RPC routines have had their file IO modified in an attempt to eliminate file locking issues. 11

12  The word unencumbered was spelled incorrectly on the BUDPRO report. This has been corrected. 12

13  The words strict and adherence were misspelled in the help for the pay date method field. This has been corrected. 13

14  Some warning messages were still referring to the old OBES acronym. These references have been changed to ODJFS. 14

15  Added several new STRS districts 15

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