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She Is:  Caring  Responsible  Humble  Loyal  Honest  Cheerful.

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2 She Is:  Caring  Responsible  Humble  Loyal  Honest  Cheerful

3 Integrity – not compromising to please others; Caring – showing love and concern Responsible –I will be responsible and carry out my duties and tasks to the best of my ability.

4 Humble – Pride goes before a fall. I commit myself humbly to serve all of you. Putting away all my pride but serve with grace; Loyal – Faithful to God but loyal to my friends and teachers who will walk together with me till I graduate next year. However, even as I graduate from SHPS next year I will remember that… Once a Hildan, Always a Hildan.

5 Honest – honesty is the best policy. I would rather tell the truth than to use another lie to cover the lie. However, truth does hurt but as mentioned in Proverbs, “open rebuke is better than concealed love” Cheerful – Take a look a me when you are down. I believe my cheefullness will brighten up your day.

6 I am like a gem, to be discovered for more… Vote For Arabella Ong As your Vice Head Councillor!

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