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THE BLUEST EYE Retrievedfrom:

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1 THE BLUEST EYE Retrievedfrom:

2 OUTLİNE Murat DAVULCU: Cyclical storytelling in The Bluest Eye Rıza Can ÇAKMAKÇI: Time and coming of age ( Pecola, Claudia) Özgür Yavuzalp YAVUZ: The great migration

3 The novel is divided into four sections ‘’ It was because pecola was having her father’s baby that the marigolds did not sprout.’’ (p. 9) ‘’This correspondence between human and natural realms is undermined by an equally strong emphasis on the distinction between the two realms.’’ D. Madhu, (1994) Retrieved from: :// AAAAEk/tX4P9oLKjZg/s400/Bluest%2Beye.jpg

4 ‘’Pecola becomes aware of her sexuality not in spring but, most inappropriately, in autumn.’’ D. Madhu, (1994) Maureen, who appears in the ‘’winter’’ section of the novel, is described as a ‘’false spring’’. (p. 53) Summer begins with Claudia saying, ‘’I have only to break into the tightness of a strawberry and i see summer’’. (p. 146) Retrieved from : VLmQM: 5378179_56873737bb.jpg

5 According to Barbara Christian, there is a tension between cyclic form and linear form in this novel. (date: unknown) Bildungsroman framework :Novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character usually from childhood to maturity.( Pecola’s sexual maturation is narrated. Retrieved from: CjM: MdwzKhI/AAAAAAAAALU/4Fz0WuaKido/s400/The BluestEye1400.jpg

6 Barbara Christian argues that in The Bluest Eye, the seasons ‘’reinforce the mythic quality of life,’’ presenting time as a ‘’unified entity’’ rather than a linear chronology. (date: unknown) According to Barthold, a mythicized representation of black feminity usually involves a celebration of procreation, which ensures the continuity of the temporal cycle of nature. (date: unknown) Retrieved from: bn:PXdBEpTlhHpt- M: /plegal/tips/t6prod/maloneywq2 _files/image003.jpg

7 ‘’Pecola begins menstruating in autumn, is raped in spring, and gives birth to a stillborn baby in summer.’’ D. Madhu (1994) ‘’At the beginning of the novel Claudia attempts to direct the course of natural and human events.’’ D. Madhu (1994) She plants marigold seeds, hoping that if they sprout, Pecola’s baby will live. D. Madhu (1994) Retrieved from: OVXK9M: pix/a53.jpg

8 C HARACTERS Pecola Breedlove: - Eleven years old - Thinks she is ugly - Wants her eyes to become blue Claudia MacTeer: - Nine years old - Stronger than other black girls - Does not like black people’s admiration about white people’s beauty

9 T IME Story happens in 1941 Story develops every season Retrieved from: 2931/images/seasons-tree.jpg

10 C OMING OF AGE Retrieved from: -Cholly’s experience -Pecola and Frieda’s experience -Cholly’s rape

11 REFERENCES Dubey, Madhu (1994). Black women novelists and the nationalist aesthetic. Library of congress cataloging-in-publication data.(P. 40. 41. 42) jZg/s400/Bluest%2Beye.jpg uaKido/s400/TheBluestEye1400.jpg M: mage003.jpg OVXK9M: tree.jpg

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