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. 2008 Update National Logistics Workshop Reno, Nevada March 18.

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Presentation on theme: ". 2008 Update National Logistics Workshop Reno, Nevada March 18."— Presentation transcript:

1 . 2008 Update National Logistics Workshop Reno, Nevada March 18

2 Project Update  The I-Suite Project Team visited 25+ incidents during the 2007 fire season Gathered input and Suggestions Received very positive feedback on the value of site visits  The next release of I-Suite is scheduled for early May 2008 Primary focus is Security enhancements and the Cost and Accrual process  I-Suite is also going through the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) process

3 Database Admin  Security/Passwords All passwords will expire in 180 days User will be locked out after 3 failed login attempts History of the last 5 previously used passwords will be stored in the database SSN/TIN is encrypted in the database

4 Database Admin Cont  Merge Issues creating duplicate posting after a merge have been resolved  ROSS Import The manual process to match crewmembers to the parent record is now automated NFES Supply items will no longer import

5 Database Admin Cont.  Export Data All export functions are now located on one screen

6 Data Admin  A new jurisdictional agency field will now required when adding/editing an incident This change will facilitate the proper coding of Cost Accruals

7 Data Admin Cont.  The following reference tables are updated Kind Codes Home Units Rates Region/Unit Codes Accrual Codes Ad Rates Agency Injury/Illness Categories

8 Resources  New First Day Worked Field Will be utilized to capture a more accurate demob date Replaces Mobilization date on most Plans/Demob Reports  An Actual Release Date will be required when demobing resources  Incident Name now displays on the ICS-209

9 Demob  Reports Additional sort parameters are available on the Last Day Worked Report Resources with exact Name and Kind are no longer being combined on the Demob Reports The Qualification Report now excludes demobed resources

10 IAP  ICS-204 The ability to add the Last Day Worked to Block 6 is now available

11 IAP Cont.  ICS-205 The ability to display and print 16 Channels is now available

12 Time  When adding the SSN/TIN for casuals and contractors, only “*” will display. The user will validate the SSN/TIN with a second entry Casual (AD)Contractor

13 Time Cont.  When posting a Guarantee for AD employees, the application will require number of guarantee hours to be entered  The user can no longer post time to a crewmember with a missing employment code  The Region/Unit code now prints on the Fax Report when applicable  The ability to identify a OF-286 as a final invoice has been added  Added the ability to display the accounting code in the Time grid

14 Cost  The Accrual Matrix has been redefined to simplify the Accrual Process The ability to capture the incident jurisdictional agency will facilitate more accurate accrual data New Accrual Codes  CONT: Contract Resources  AD: Forest Service AD’s  AMD: Aviation Management Directorate  NOAA: National Weather Service  STATE: Each state will have the 2 letter State designator as the accrual code  EXCL: Resources that should not accrue  INTL: International Resources

15 Cost Cont.  In an effort to speed up the cost process, the ability to archive resources in now available

16 Cost Cont.  The Contract Agency field is renamed to Payment Agency  The Weekly and Monthly Rate options are now calculating correctly  Default rate table has been updated with current rates

17 Custom Reports  All fields from the Resources Table are now available in the Resources View  The Fax Number has been added to the Personnel View  OF-288 and OF-286 Views are now available  The fields necessary to create a Demob Glide Path have been added to the Resources View  A View to group resources by Agency has been added

18 Injury Illness  The Injury Illness categories have been changed to match the NFES 1815, Field First Aid Station Summary

19 Supply  A group of Subject Matter Experts has been established to assist the team with promoting use and suggesting enhancements  Met with the ICBS(R) Project Team Discussed import possibilities Identified barcoding opportunities

20 Questions?

21 Thank you

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